Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 All-faculty mix will be held April 12 Will meet for entertainment and refreshments.
2 Anna B. Lawther will be guest at Lawther dinner For annual event.
3 Brandt photographs Guam in color pictures to go on 1949 calendar
Hilburn--Patricia (Student--1948)
Roger Brandt talks about his photography.
4 Early birds . . . Students pose for photo while preparing for the "early bird breakfast".
5 FBLA host to ten high schools today For state convention; program highlights.
6 Globe Theater replica to be used for play Professor Wood will supervise set construction.
7 Group to attend Social Action Day in Des Moines Nineteen ISTC students will attend.
8 Kappa Phi sponsors all-college chili suppers as part of fundraising drive Attempting to raise money so that women may attend summer convention.
9 Orchestra to give concert; Holvik will direct; Baum to be soloist Performance program.
10 Positions as camp counselors are open Those interested should contact Thelma Short.
11 Senior students Should report for placement information.
12 WRA sponsors early breakfast All women invited.
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13 . . . Salaries . . . Students are given some facts on the teachers' salaries..
14 . . . Surveys Shares opinion about the use of surveys and their reliability.
15 Around the Campus
Blake--Roger O. (Class of 1948)
Due to lack of interest the Old Gold and Pen may be discontinued, a journalism fraternity should become a reality, and the concept of having a journalism minor is being considered.
16 Board asks students for help The Board of Control of Student Publications makes students aware of the lack of commitment by student body to the Old Gold; if this doesn't change, the Old Gold will be discontinued.
17 Know Your Eye Staff-- Baier has unusual ambition; Rumsey collects jazz records
Davis--Helen Mae (Class of 1948)
Profiles of College Eye reporters Dorothy Baier and John Rumsey; photo.
18 Safety . . . . Comments on adding safety patrols on 23rd just make it safer for pedestrians to cross.
19 The Line
Russell--Marian Lucille (Class of 1949)
'News' from around the campus.
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20 Deans, dorm directors return from convention Attended guidance and personnel meeting.
21 Fellowship is awarded senior English major Arlene Schlegel wins Lydia Roberts Fellowship to Columbia.
22 Joens, Dolan new housing unit presidents Women's League representatives selected.
23 Nelson is elected Baker Hall president List of other officers.
24 Students attend SDA convention Twelve from ISTC will attend.
25 Survey of Campus Opinion
Hillsten--Edwin Leonel (Lee) (Class of 1948)
Students are surveyed on their political beliefs; offer opinions on who the next president should be.
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26 Expanded college facilities needed says commission
27 High school bands to play at Relays Eight hundred band members will perform.
28 Rendezvous News and events of campus Greek organizations.
29 Republican Club has first regular meeting Senator Berg spoke.
30 Science and math instructors will attend meeting Of Iowa Academy of Science.
31 Summer session of Campus School to open June 4 Description of the summer program of study.
32 Wallace followers plan "save the peace" week Will protest plans to revive the draft.
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33 Eight wrestlers win in Olympics Eight of the sixteen wrestlers who qualified for the national meet are from TC.
34 Football practice starts with 53 men on roster Fifteen of those out for the football team this season are returning letter winners; complete list of the team is given.
36 Knox first entry for T. C. Relays Entries are pouring in from schools to take part in the Teachers College Relays; photo.
37 KO's Discusses the recent wrestling meet here that used Olympic wrestling rules and some to the confusion it caused.
38 Mat coach McCuskey finds plenty to do besides his wrestling duties
Hall--Robert M. (Student--1948)
Takes a glimpse into the life of David McCuskey.
39 P. E. Doings Physical education and recreation news.
40 Panthers open baseball season against Iowa State; Herb Dorsey and Max Mabie will likely be mound choices The starting line-up for the game is still being considered as the Panthers prepare for a victory.
41 Thinclads whip Grinnell team 104-27 Wed. TC has dominated all of their meets this season with two victories,
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35 Golf and tennis teams work out As spring sports get underway the competition has been with the weather.
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42 Bureau publishes three booklets Two books are on athletics and one is on guidance.
43 Campus high school is approved by NCA Placed on approved list.
44 College Players will present Wilde's Salome Schedule of productions.
45 Faculty delegates at conference On rural life and education.
46 Iowa future teachers Will meet.
47 Kurtz attends music educators' conference
48 National honor society elects 6 from TC high List of new members.
49 State conference to be held here On school district reorganization.
50 Student teachers Should meet to submit applications.
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51 Alumnus for April now available
52 Anita Dowler attends family relations meet Serves on discussion group there.
53 Bailey will attend chemical convention
54 Change in veto power of UN unwise, decides student conference Students return from intercollegiate conference in Chicago.
55 Gamma Theta Upsilon initiates 5 students List of new students.
56 Vance Dixon to play for dance tonight
57 Work resumed on arts building Structural steel arrives; report on progress.
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58 Bartlett has informal music hour each week Bartlett Hall students will perform.
59 Corridor chairmen entertain at Coke tea In Bartlett Hall.
60 Diekmann will attend Pi Omega Pi meeting Will attend regional meeting.
61 There is no Jewish nationality or race, Rabbi Baron tells students Speaks on Palestine.