Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Life" will display atomic energy exhibit Will be on display for two weeks.
2 Bovee will begin work on Ph. D. soon Will study at UCLA; profile of Eugene Bovee.
3 Campus High gives instrumental concert
4 Cliff Kyes to play at formal; annual dance will honor all graduates
5 Co-op
Smiley--L. Travis (Class of 1975)
Sidney Stott shops in the recently opened veterans' grocery store.
6 Gil A. Cowen to initiate frat officers Former national president of Alpha Phi Gamma will be on campus; photo.
7 Golden Ledger initiates seven List of officers and new members.
8 Leading ladies. . .
Smiley--L. Travis (Class of 1975)
New Women's League officers make plans for next fall; photo.
9 McGranahan will begin graduate work at Iowa U Granted one year leave of absence; Don Scannell will replace him.
10 Mrs. Roy Abbott dies following long illness Died May 4, 1948.
11 Nine students will go to Boone "Y" meet To attend conference; list of students who will attend.
12 Supplement will replace spring issue of "Pen" Four page supplement will appear in the College Eye.
13 Women's League officers plan fall activities Hold formal convocation to introduce officers and announce plans.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Around the Campus Olympic wrestlers are giving TC a good reputation; Coach McCuskey hopes to go to London for Olympic games, and thanks is given to the TC band for their hard work.
15 Freedom of speech? Comments on disruptions of speeches at public meeting on the draft in California.
16 Gives reasons for "begging children"
Koehring--Dorothy May (Campus School Faculty)
Comments on an editorial that was previously published about begging children; student now offers ways of solving this apparent problem.
17 Know your Eye Staff--Empey, Denniston edit society and women's sports columns
Davis--Helen Mae (Class of 1948)
Profiles College Eye staff members Betty Ann Denniston and Jeanne-Marie Empey.
18 The Line
Russell--Marian Lucille (Class of 1949)
Campus gossip.
19 Time for integration Some feel that seniors should wrap up their classes at mid-term of their senior year and be allowed to do an independent study.
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# Article Article Summary
20 33 students visit state institutions For the care and training of handicapped and dependent children.
22 Bartlett will hold May birthday dinner
23 Birthday-pajama party given for Bartlett Hall
24 Ed Hutchcroft installed as President of FBLA List of officers.
25 Musical Notes
Rogers--Jeannette (Janie) (Student--1948)
Informs students of various music programs and activities.
26 Struble attends modern language association
# Article Article Summary
21 Band will present 3 final concerts Will feature student conductors.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Academic information sheet being revised
28 Campus School May Day will end year Will include pageant, Maypole, and other activities.
29 Columbia professor studies curriculum Florence Stratemeyer is visiting teachers colleges across the nation.
30 Commencement ushers, marshals are chosen Roster of assistants.
31 Ellen Richards Club will hold style show Will model clothes made by students.
32 Martin Grant will speak to humanists Topic will be "How to be Happy though Human".
33 National Honor Society initiates new members
34 Pi Omega Pi will initiate new members List of new members.
35 Quon Vet's Co-op organized by Sunset Village residents proves successful
Hilburn--Patricia (Student--1948)
Making progress on initial investment; has about one hundred members.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Baseball men to play here with Jackrabbit nine Panthers will play South Dakota State at home and then travel to Minnesota for a series against the University of Minnesota; photo.
37 Baseball squad drops 5-0 decision to Drake
38 Cindermen from three schools to be here Saturday Upper Iowa, Luther, and Wisconsin Teachers of LaCrosse will all compete against the Panthers.
39 Golfers will be host to Wartburg golfmen Teams will be meeting both in Cedar Falls and in Waverly.
40 KO's Thanks coaches and administrators for their planning of the season-end assembly for the basketball and wrestling teams.
41 Koll, Leeman, and Nelson are Olympic champions; Coach Dave McCuskey plans to see his boys at Olympics Bill Nelson, Bill Koll, and Germ Leeman will travel to London for the Olympics; photo.
42 Luther baseball game cancelled due to rain
43 P. E. Doings Physical education news.
44 Thinclads crumple Cyclone trackmen Dutch Goodvin and Chris Steinbach were instrumental in the Panther win over Iowa State.
45 Track coach Arthur D. Dickinson a three sport letterman at TC Profile of Panther track coach Arthur Dickinson; photo.
46 Undefeated netmen at Wartburg College next Panthers defeat Loras and Wartburg.
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# Article Article Summary
47 Campus School will hold regular summer session Students can work ahead or take classes not normally offered.
48 Less than two-thirds vets still in school
49 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations.
50 Six delegates to democratic convention List of those who will be going to Des Moines.
51 Survey of Campus Opinion
Hillsten--Edwin Leonel (Lee) (Class of 1948)
Students are polled on what columns they read most frequently in the College Eye.
52 Veterans study for many careers
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# Article Article Summary
53 "Talking" peacocks fool neighbors; deer are silent, says Mrs. Olsen
Christianson--Robert E. (Student--1949)
Mrs. Charles W. Olsen keeps unusual pets at 1807 Washington Street.
54 Bartlett residents will give informal coke-tea
55 Kyes' band has "home-on-wheels" with venetian blinds, running water
Harnack--Robert Victor (Class of 1950)
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# Article Article Summary
56 Bartlett plans last birthday dinner
57 Bodein speaks at Yale conference
58 Initiate Bovee to Nat'l science group at SUI Becomes member of Sigma Xi.
59 Quintones to broadcast on radio this summer Will be a part of the Tall Corn Network.
60 Van Engen to initiate Colorado math frat Serving as national president of Kappa Mu Epsilon.