Issue Contents

Page 1
# Article Article Summary
1 Inside Cover Proposed plans for buildings on Teachers College campus including floor plan for a chapel and a plot plan for Arts And Industries building; photo.
2 The 1948 Old Gold Title page.
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3 Presenting the Story of a Year in Progress Arial photo of the addition construction of Lawther Hall; photo.
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4 Old Gold 1948 Title page for this issue of the Old Gold, listing the editors as Harold E. Sturm and Ben Rodamar and the business manager as Stanley Reeves, with Travis Smiley photographer.
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5 Dedication Dedicating the 1948 Old Gold to the progress of the year 1947-1948 and to those who helped make it possible, with a photo of work being done on Lawther Hall; photo.
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6 Foreword A revival of what makes the college year and a look back at those memories.
7 Lawther Hall Addition An air view of the campus shows the work being done on Lawther Hall, also showing the Campanile, Women's Gym, and other buildings on campus; photo.
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8 Campanile A view from the ground of the Campanile with the trees framing the photo; photo.
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9 The Women's Swimming Pool and Gymnasium An outside view of the building housing the Women's Swimming Pool and Gymnasium; photo.
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10 The Auditorium Building A shaded view of the Auditorium Building, a place for classes, lectures, plays and the reverberating pep assemblies; photo.
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11 The Men's Gymnasium Home of the mighty Panthers, this photo show an outside view of the building with some of the male students outside; photo.
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12 The Diagonal This photo show a view of the elm shaded walkway leading to the businesses on the hill, the path provided cool summer shade and the crackle of autumn leaves; photo.
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13 The Library The sanctuary for serious study, this photo shows a view of the Library with students outside; photo.
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14 The Commons This photo features a view of the doors leading into the Commons, with ivy climbing the brick wall of the building and shrubs and trees visible framing the entry; photo.
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15 Planners and Builders A photo of Malcolm Price and Eldon E. Cole, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, going over plans for a new building; photo.
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16 A Letter From Malcolm Price A letter from President Price stating that a new building here and there are essential for the physical being and that the strength of the faculty is just as important; photo.
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17 President Malcolm Price A photo of President Price at his desk; photo.
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18 Dean of Faculty Dr. M. J. Nelson has many roles as the Dean of Faculty, including approval for students looking to earn extra hours or credit by examination and is a member of the Iowa Commission of Secondary Schools and College Relations; photo.
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19 Dean of Men Gordon Ellis has become a busy man on campus, thanks to the increased number of male students. Dean Ellis handles men's housing, employment, personal records, and veteran affairs; photo.
20 Dean of Women Sadie B. Campbell helps the women's of Teachers College make the most of their opportunities both socially and intellectually. Miss Campbell supervises the residence halls for women and housing for off-campus women; photo.
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21 Dr. M. R. Beard Marshall Beard is the registrar, which some of his duties include keeping academic records and issuing grades. Dr. Beard also supervises the sending of credit balance sheets to junior students, showing progress of the student; photo.
22 Eldon E. Cole As Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, Mr. Cole supervises the care of all campus property and the remodeling of present buildings, of which include the new addition to Lawther Hall, the campus school, and the heath center; photo.
23 Philip Jennings Philip Jennings is business manager of the college. He is in charge of where students pay their tuition and dormitory room rent, as well as all other fees and payment of faculty and student employees; photo.
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24 Student League Board Organized in 1943, the Student League Board is the chief self-governing body at Teachers College and represents the entire student body with presidents of various student organizations as members; photo.
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25 Women's League Board This organizations is designed to help women make the most of the opportunities offered at Teachers College, Miss Sadie Campbell helps guide the group with Corrinne Hamilton serving as president for 1947-1948; photo.
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26 Administration in Action Assistant Registrar Tom Lamke takes time off for a bit of profound explanation; photo.
27 Administration in Action G. Gordon Ellis plays Sir Walter Raleigh to Queen Sadie Campbell during Courtesy week by laying his jacket down of her to walk on as others look on; photo.
28 Administration in Action President Malcolm Price is featured in a photo at the Alumni dinner; photo.
29 Administration in Action Business manager Philip Jennings is shown working to keep college business affairs in good order; photo.
30 Administration in Action Jim Owens is shown working in the business office, ensuring that the bill is marked "Paid"; photo.
31 Administration in Action G. Gordon Ellis, Dean of Men, signs excuses for "Zeke" Hogeland and Walt Kochneff, basketball players; photo.
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32 Alumni Service Mr. A. C. Fuller heads the service by keeping track of all graduates and informing them on recent event on campus through The Alumnus pamphlet. This department makes it possible for old friends to reconnect; photo.
33 Extension Service With I. H. Hart as director, extending the services of the college into the schools to solve teaching problems by sending college faculty is just one of the services offered by the Bureau of Extension Services; photo.
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34 Health Service Under the care of Dr. John S. Griffin, the Student Health Service has a two fold purpose, preventative and curative. Smallpox vaccinations, flu shots, health checks, and Schick tests are some of the services provided by Dr. Giffin; photo.
35 Library Under the direction of Marybelle McClelland, the library has over 140,000 volumes, 600 current periodicals, 5000 small prints, and numerous wall pictures, along with a museum on the fourth floor; photo.
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36 Placement Bureau Dr. E. W. Goetch is the director of this bureau that obtains and records information about each registrant, as well as other duties. Dr. Goetch is shown seated at his desk in the photo; photo.
37 Publications The bureau of Publications produces the picture booklets, folders, and bulletins concerning life on campus, as well as supervising the College Eye, Old Gold, The Prowl, and the Alumnus. G. H. Holmes serves as director and is shown in the photo; photo.
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38 Radio Studios State-wide coverage of Iowa classrooms has been granted, through its affiliation with Iowa's Tall Corn Network, Teachers College reaches the areas of places, like Des Moines with KWDM and KWWL in Waterloo. Herbert V. Hake is director; photo.
39 Religious Life Religious activities on campus are carried on by the Student Christian Association, with Dr. Bodein's direction. Various activities are carried out during the week, including "Coffee Hours" on Wednesdays and a Religious Emphasis week; photo.
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40 Research Bureau Dr. Paul is the director of this bureau that administers aptitude tests such as placement and vocational preference. It also cooperates with any department in the college in conducting research studies and course exams, and correcting these exams; photo.
41 Teaching Aids The Curriculum Laboratory is one of the newest services of the college, reflecting what is going on in the schools of the nation. It is located in the Administration Building and offers teaching aids to teacher and students, such as textbooks; photo.
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42 College Services in Action Scenes from the extension office, registration, and business office; photo.
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43 Art Department Students are able to build their weaknesses and strengths through the programs and exhibits in the Art Department. The department helps students to gain the realization of professional requirements and situations early in college; photo.
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44 Business Education The department has expanded greatly to create competent teachers and so that high school students may receive training for jobs other than secretarial positions, Dr. Lloyd V. Douglas is the director; photo.
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45 Education Overflowing classes has brought several new teachers to campus to help students prepare for the careers as teachers. When the program is completed, the students can take more advanced work in psychology; photo.
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46 English Every student gets acquainted with the rooms on the first floor of the Auditorium building, and the speech department has new requirements to insure a more thorough coverage of the many activities of this field; photo.
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47 Home Economics Home Economics gives students experience in how to plan meals and to in textiles and costume design. The department is moving to the new Arts and Industrial Arts building next year with new labs to help alleviate crowded conditions; photo.
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48 Languages The department receives many publications to help the students learn languages such as Spanish, Latin, French, and with special arrangement Norwegian, Italian and Portuguese; photo.
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49 Mathematics With many students coming to the department with varying abilities in math, the faculty has devised a method for placement for the students. Student learn how math has grown with civilization and The Math Club helps create interest in the subject; photo.
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50 Music Music can be heard all over campus, thanks to the rooms offered in most buildings for practice. With Dr. Edward Kurtz as the head, the department aims to give a general background in musicianship and student recitals are given each Friday; photo.
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51 Physical Education For Men Headed by L. L. Mendenhall, and with top-notch coaches and instructors, theses men not only produce championship caliber teams in football, basketball, track, baseball, and wrestling, but also train successful athletes to become successful coaches; photo.
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52 Physical Education For Women Miss Maude E. Moore is the head of this department, which has become the rec headquarters of the campus. Regular play nights give student and faculty a place to swim and play, and there are plans for a library in honor of Miss Monica R. Wild; photo.
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53 Science A brief description is given on what students could expect from the science courses offered at Teachers College, such as a clearer understanding of the phenomena of science, with a photo of E. J. Cable and students working in a lab; photo.
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54 Social Science The department, with Dr. M. R. Thompson, is fulfilling the demands of the students with an increase enrollment with veterans and the constant changes going on in the world; photo.
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55 Teaching With a goal to send out more and better equipped teachers, the department guides future teachers to help them with their goals, a photo of students working with children is featured; photo.
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56 Teachers, Advisors, They Point the Way for Tomorrow's Teachers This photo shows two teachers sitting at a table in an auditorium, with notebooks and a clipboard on the table; photo.
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57 Instructional Staff Photo roster of the instructional staff; photo.
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58 Instructional Staff Photo roster of the instructional staff; photo.
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59 Instructional Staff Photo roster of the instructional staff; photo.
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60 Instructional Staff The photo roster of the instructional staff; photo.
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61 Instructional Staff This page lists the instructional staff of Teachers College; photo.
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62 Instructional Staff This page lists and shows the photos of the Instructional Staff; photo.
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63 Instructional Staff This page lists and features the photos of the Instructional Staff; photo.
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64 Instructional Staff This page features the lists and photos of the Instructional Staff; photo.
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65 Instructional Staff This page lists some of the Instructional Staff and their photos; photo.
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66 Instructional Staff This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff in photos; photo.
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67 Instructional Staff This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff; photo.
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68 Instructional Staff This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff; photo.
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69 Instructional Staff This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff; photo.
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70 Instructional Staff Some of the Instructional Staff are listed and shown in photos on this page; photo.
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71 Instructional Staff This page features some of the Instructional Staff shown in photos; photo.
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72 Instructional Staff This page lists some of the Instructional Staff and shows their photos; photo.
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73 Future Teachers This page shows a graduating student; photo.
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74 Seniors This page indicates the beginning of the Senior Class photos.
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75 Seniors of 1948 This page lists some of the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
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76 Seniors of 1948 Senior photos of the class of 1948
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77 Seniors of 1948 This page features some of the Senior Class of 1948 with their photos; photo.
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78 Seniors of 1948 The photos of the some of the Senior Class are featured on this page; photo.
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79 Seniors of 1948 This page features the photos of some of the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
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80 Seniors of 1948 This page features the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
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81 Seniors of 1948 This page features the photos of the Class of 1948; photo.
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82 Seniors of 1948 The photos of the Class of 1948 are featured on this page; photo.
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83 Seniors of 1948 The photos of the Senior Class of 1948 are featured on this page; photo.
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84 Seniors of 1948 This page features the photos of the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
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85 Seniors of 1948 The photos of the Senior Class of 1948 are featured on this page; photo.
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86 Seniors of 1948 The photos of the Senior Class of 1948 are featured on this page; photo.
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87 Seniors of 1948 This page features the some of the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
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88 Seniors of 1948 This page features some of the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
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89 Seniors of 1948 The Senior Class of 1948 is featured on this page; photo.
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90 Seniors of 1948 This page features the photos of some of the Senior Class of 1948; photo.
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91 Two-Year Students This page features the photos and majors of some of the Two-Year Students; photo.
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92 Two-Year Students Some of the Two-Year Students are featured on the page; photo.
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93 Two-Year Students The photos and some of the information of the Two--Year Students are featured on this page; photo.
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94 Two-Year Students The photos and some information for the Two-Year Students are featured on this page; photo.
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95 Two-Year Students This page features the photos of some of the Two-Year Students; photo.
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96 Two-Year Students This page features some of the Two-Year Student's photos; photo.
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97 Two-Year Students This page shows some of the photos of the Two-Year Students and also has some information about the students; photo.
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98 Two-Year Students This page features the photos of the Two-Year Students; photo.
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99 Two-Year Students This page features some of the photos of the Two-Year students; photo.
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100 Two-Year Students Some of the Two-Year Student's photos are featured on this page; photo.
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101 Dances, Dates This photo features two female students talking on the steps of one of the buildings on campus, one is holding a bunch of carrots, while the other is holding celery; photo.
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102 Activities This page is the beginning of the Activities section of the Old Gold, it shows a drawing of what looks like a soda cup and a pennant; photo.
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103 The Commons; Headquarters for friendship Scenes from a relaxed student body. Time away from the books; photo.
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104 The Freshman Hop This photo is located on the top of the page and shows some of the freshmen dancing at the Hop; photo.
105 Watermelon Festival Jane Bailie, Jackie Duffy, Pat Carmichael, and Doris Blom are shown at the Watermelon Feast in this photo located at the bottom of the page; photo.
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106 Dad has "His" day Mothers, dads, and daughters are shown relaxing in the Commons during Dad's Day festivities; photo.
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107 Cut Day! Strike up the Band! Scenes from "Cut Day". Pep band, cheerleaders lead students out of classes. Bond fire and pep rally highlight the day. Quintones perform; photo.
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108 Homecoming 1947 Scenes from Homecoming weekend. Winning decorations, dance, pep rally, and bonfire highlight the weekend; photo.
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109 Grads return to reminisce and recall the "good ol days" Alumni return. 1927 football team honored. Winning float and second place winner of decorating contest. The Panther himself is shown; photo.
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110 The fall quarter ends Homecoming was the highlight of the quarter. During the quarter, freshmen adapted to college life. The girls wore their green caps and the boys received the traditional dunking in Prexy's Pond; photo.
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111 Campus Religious Life Religious life has not been forgotten, Coffee Hour is held every Wednesday, one week in November is set aside for Religious Emphasis Week, and special programs for Easter and Christmas.
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112 The 1947 Christmas Holidays A lighted Christmas tree with the Campanile in the background gives off a holiday glow. President Price lights the tree. Wayne Gard plays holiday music in the Georgian Lounge; photo.
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113 A season of festive activities Scenes from Christmas across campus. Carolers, Santa Claus, and a decorated Baker Hall are signs of the times.
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114 Femme's Fancy... Girl Dates Boy Girls ask out the guys in this annual tradition on campus. The girls even give the guys corsages made of ingredients such as onions, carrots, cabbage, and lettuce.
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115 Ice Carnival The Ice Carnival is held annually on Prexy's Pond and is the place for events like figure skating, stunt and trick skating, and the skate race; photo.
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116 Big Moments of Swing and Sway; Dance highlights at the Commons Scenes from the Lawther costume ball, farmers' frolic, sping and Christmas formals; photo.
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117 Future Teachers let their hair down Scenes from the Iowa Teacher First dinner, jitterbug contest, Alpha Chi Halloween dance, style show, coeds sipping coke on the hill, and a private interlude show that college is not all studying; photo.
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118 Interesting People This photo shows two students in formal attire, the male helping his date with her corsage; photo.
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119 Miss Elaine Ellis Elaine Ellis was selected to be an Old Gold Beauty of 1948 by the student body, her sponsors were the Lambda Gamma Nu fraternity and Seerley Hall. She belongs to Tau Sigma Delta sorority and is a junior Business Ed. Major from Mapleton, IA; photo.
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120 Miss Alpha Johnston Alpha Johnston was chosen from the floor of the contest by the bandleader. She is a Two-Year elementary student, member of Tau Sigma Delta, and transferred from Forest City; photo.
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121 Miss Dorothy Searight Dorothy is a Art major from Cedar Falls and active in many campus organizations. She was sponsored by the Physical Ed. Club, Orchesis, the Life-Saving Corps, and the Pi Theta Pi social sorority; photo.
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122 Miss June Wilson Known for her blue eyes and misty blonde hair, June is on the two-year Kindergarten-Primary curriculum and was sponsored by Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity and Tau Sigma Delta social sorority; photo.
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123 Old Gold Beauty Parade Coeds selected and sponsored by campus organizations; photo.
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124 Helen Mae Davis Helen was chosen one of the most popular gals on campus by a student vote and was sponsored by F. B. L. A. and Pi Theta Pi. Two photos of her on this page, one of the her sitting in an armchair; photo.
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125 Roland "Red" Ellertson Red was a popularity winner and was well known for his cheerleading activities and unusual color combinations, he is shown with a tray of food in the photo at the top of the page and was sponsored by the Alpha Chi Epsilon fraternity; photo.
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126 Corinne Hamilton Corinne "Corky" Hamilton was on e of the four kings and queens of popularity. She credited her popularity with her "horse grin" and can be seen in two photos on this page. She was sponsored by Lawther Hall; photo.
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127 Harold Petersen Harold "Slick" Petersen credits his "way with women" that got him voted into the popularity finals. He was sponsored by the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity and is shown in two photos on this page; photo.
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128 Popularity Candidates Eighteen candidates, their hometowns, and sponsoring organization in the popularity contest; photo.
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129 Campus Personalities Students on campus that everyone should know. Brief biographies of students active in outside classroom activities; photo.
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130 Campus Personalities Three men on campus that everyone should know; photo.
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131 Campus Personalities Three active students on campus that people should know; photo.
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132 Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities 19 students were chosen by the Student Welfare Committee to take their places in that hall of fame. Students are chosen on merits such as scholarship and character. A photo shows some of the students; photo.
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133 Who's Who Brief biographies of eight students selected as Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities; photo.
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134 Who's Who "Big Wheels" on campus Brief biographies of eight more active students on campus; photo.
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135 Last three students in Who's Who Three students everyone should know. Brief biographies; photo.
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136 Old Gold Beauty Dance This page sized photo shows students dancining at the Old Gold Beauty Dance; photo.
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137 Enriching Experiences The photo shows students talking with Dimitri Mitropoulos, maestro of the Minneapolis Symphony. The caption reads Enriching Experiences for a broader understanding of life; photo.
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138 Features Modern art photo of violin, tennis balls, and a man's face. Plans for Iowa State Teachers College is inscribed; photo.
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139 Inspiring Instrumentalists William Primrose and Robert Goldsand are two musicians that held concerts at Teachers College. Primrose was a Violist and Goldsand a pianist. A photo of both accompany the article, as well as that of Leland Sage, Lecture-Concert Series Chairman; photo.
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140 Vivacious Vocalists Rose Bampton appeared at Teachers College on March 9, 1948 and Anna Kaskas appeared on December2, 1947. Bampton was a soprano with the Metropolitan Opera Association and Kaskas entertained with her contralto voice. A photo of both are on the page; photo.
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141 Melodious Musicians E. Power Biggs thrilled the audience with his organ music on February 16, 1948. Mack Harrell, a Metropolitan Opera baritone, performed on September 29, 1947 and was honored after by Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia at the home of President Price; photo.
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142 Dramatic Dancers Erick Hawkins performed at Teachers College on March 12, 1948. Charles Weidman performed on February 5, 1948. A photo of each dancer in a dramatic pose is shown at the bottom of the page; photo.
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143 Dynamic "Duke" Ellington The hottest night of the year, in the opinion of many jive fans, was January 29, 1948, the night Duke Ellington performed on campus. A photo of Ellington with is band is shown on the top of the page, along with a publicity still at the bottom; photo.
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144 Spectacular Speakers Hans Kohn, a professor of history at Smith College, gave a lecture on "Russia, Europe and the World" on January 22, 1948. Robert Blakely, Des Moines Register and Tribune editorial writer, spoke on world affairs on October 8, 1948; photo.
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145 Minneapolis Symphony An overview of the concert; photo.
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146 Campus celebrities Famous visitors; Duke Ellington, Anna Kaskas, Mack Harrell, and Lester Bundy greet patrons and sign autographs; photo.
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147 Drama Overview of the production of The Knight of the Burning Pestle; photos.
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148 Joan of Lorraine An overview of the play, Joan of Lorraine; photos.
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149 The Late George Apley An overview of the play, The Late George Apley; photos.
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150 The Great God Brown The Play is described on this page; photos.
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151 The 1948 Old Gold A description of what the Old Gold has covered and done over the year and a list of the staff; photos.
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152 The College Eye 1947-48 An overview of the year for the College Eye paper with a list of staff; photos.
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153 The Pen 1947-48 An overview of the student produced magazine; photo.
154 The Student Handbook A description of the Student Handbook, with a photo of Mrs. McGranahan and Winnie Sherren; photo.
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155 Board of Control of Student Publications Description of the duties of the Board of Control and list of members; photos.
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156 Masters of melody Brief biographies of musical directors at Iowa State Teachers College; photo.
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157 Symphony Orchestra List of members and what instrument played; photo.
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158 College Chorus Description of the chorus, including practice times; photos.
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159 College Chorus Members of the College Chorus; photo.
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160 College Choir Description and list of members; photo.
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161 A Cappella Choir Description and list of members; photo.
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162 Women's Chorus Description and list of members; photos.
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163 College Concert Band List of members and what instrument they played; photos.
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164 Champions Photo.
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165 Cheerleaders Brief description of the group; photo.
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166 I Club Brief description of the group; photo.
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167 Gridders win North Central Conference for fifth time Brief description of the activity; photo.
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168 Gridiron stars Brief description of the group; photo.
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169 Panther Tacklers Brief description of the group; photo.
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170 Bulldogs leashed 6-6 Brief description of the activity; photo.
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171 Tutors bag Bison 13-12 Brief description of the activity; photo.
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172 Panthers scalp Sioux 20-0 Brief description of the activity and list of members; photo.
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173 Maroons marooned 31-13 Brief description of the activity; photo.
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174 Cagers win North Central Conference for first time Brief description of the activity; photo.
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175 Sharp shooters Brief description of the activity; photo.
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176 McCuskey's mighty matmen among the nation's best Brief description of the activity; photo.
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177 Grapplers finish fourth in National Mat tourney Brief description of the activity; photo.
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178 1947 cinderman place second in North Central loop meet Brief description of the activity; photo.
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179 Two track records broken at 1947 annual T. C. Relays Brief description of the activity; photo.
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180 Sluggers drop 3- then win 10 Brief description of the activity; photo.
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181 Turfmen take second in loop Brief description of the group; photo.
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182 Netman finish in second place Brief description of the group; photo.
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183 Women's intramurals Brief description of the activity; photo.
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184 Men's intramurals Brief description of the activity; photo.
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185 Recreational sports . . . Photo.
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186 Leadership Photo.
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187 Bartlett Hall for women Brief description of the dormitory; photo.
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188 Lawther Hall for women Brief description of the dormitory; photo.
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189 Baker Hall for men Brief description of the dormitory; photo.
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190 Seerley Hall for men Brief description of the dormitory; photo.
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191 Nearby Sunset Village Brief description of the building; photo.
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192 Stadium Hall for men Brief description of the dormitory; photo.
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193 Housing councils List of members; photo.
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194 Doin's in the dormitories Photo.
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195 Beta Beta Beta Brief description of the group; photo.
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196 Delta Sigma Rho Brief description of the group; photo.
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197 Epsilon Pi Tau Brief description of the group; photo.
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198 Gamma Theta Upsilon Brief description of the group; photo.
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199 Golden Ledger Brief description of the group; photo.
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200 Iowa Teachers First Brief description of the group; photo.
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201 Kappa Delta Pi Brief description of the group; photo.
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202 Kappa Mu Epsilon Brief description of the group; photo.
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203 Lambda Delta Lambda Brief description of the group; photo.
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204 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Brief description of the group; photo.
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205 Pi Gamma Mu Brief description of the group; photo.
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206 Pi Omega Pi Brief description of the group; photo.
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207 Purple Arrow Brief description of the group; photo.
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208 Sigma Alpha Iota Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 228
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209 Social Science Honors Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 229
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210 Theta Alpha Phi Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 230
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211 Theta Theta Epsilon Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 231
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212 Torch and Tassel Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 232
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213 Alpha Phi Omega Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 233
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214 Art League Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 234
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215 Campus 4-H Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 235
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216 College Players Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 236
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217 Discussion and debate Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 237
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218 Ellen Richards Club Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 238
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219 Foreign Language Club Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 239
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220 Future Business Leaders of America Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 240
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221 Humanist Club Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 241
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222 Industrial Arts Club Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 242
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223 Iowa Future Teachers Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 243
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224 Jeffersonian Club Brief description of the group; photo.
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225 Beta Alpha Epsilon Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 245
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226 Elementa Ki List of members; photo.
Page 246
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227 Kappa Pi Beta Alpha Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 247
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228 First year kindergarten primary Brief description of the group; photo.
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229 Second year kindergarten primary Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 249
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230 Lifesaving corps Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 250
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231 Mathematics club Brief description of the group; photo.
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232 Orchesis Brief description of the group; photo.
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233 Physical education club Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 253
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234 Physical science seminar Brief description of the group; photo.
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235 Rural teachers club Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 255
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236 Speech Activities club Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 256
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237 Students for democratic action Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 257
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238 Women's recreation association Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 258
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239 Religious Organizations Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 259
# Article Article Summary
240 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
241 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
Page 260
# Article Article Summary
242 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
243 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
Page 261
# Article Article Summary
244 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
245 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
246 Religious Organizations List of members; photo.
247 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
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248 Religious Organizations List of members; photo.
249 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
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250 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
251 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
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252 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
253 Religious organizations List of members; photo.
Page 266
# Article Article Summary
254 Inter-sorority council Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 267
# Article Article Summary
255 Delta Phi Delta Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 268
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256 Kappa Theta Psi Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 269
# Article Article Summary
257 Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 270
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258 Phi Sigma Phi Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 271
# Article Article Summary
259 Pi Phi Omega Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 272
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260 Pi Tau Phi Brief description of the group; photo.
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261 Pi Theta Pi Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 274
# Article Article Summary
262 Tau Sigma Delta Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 275
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263 Theta Gamma Nu Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 276
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264 Inter-fraternity council Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 277
# Article Article Summary
265 Alpha Chi Epsilon Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 278
# Article Article Summary
266 Lambda Gamma Nu Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 279
# Article Article Summary
267 Phi Sigma Epsilon Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 280
# Article Article Summary
268 Sigma Tau Gamma Brief description of the group; photo.
Page 281
# Article Article Summary
269 Organization informals Photo.
Page 282
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270 The campus parade Photo.
Page 283
# Article Article Summary
271 Teachers College in '48 Photo.
Page 284
# Article Article Summary
272 The campus parade Brief description of the school year; photo.
Page 285
# Article Article Summary
273 Teachers College in '48 Brief description of the school year; photo.
Page 286
# Article Article Summary
274 Progressive education today will provide for a strong and peaceful nation tomorrow Brief description of the school year; photo.