Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 . . . . fall styles Mary Lempares, Jack Slyfield, Doris Baer, and Bill Smith receive their awards for winning a costume contest; photo.
2 Armistice Day speaker will be Russell Decker Description of the program.
3 Art students display original handiwork In library.
4 Department of English and Speech to inaugurate Children's Theater
Dummermuth--Dawn (Class of 1950)
Will present "The Sleeping Beauty".
5 Faculty members take active part in ISEA meeting Twenty-three participate in meeting program.
6 Gerow with first concert by orchestra Performance program.
7 Marcel Dupre will appear in concert Performer profile; photo.
8 Sophomore girl killed in accident Patricia Balk killed in car-train accident in Carroll.
9 Style show set for Friday Will feature a range of clothing.
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# Article Article Summary
10 "Duchess" aids drama department in designing costumes for play
Dummermuth--Dawn (Class of 1950)
Costume dummy allows construction and fitting of costumes.
11 Hilltopics Discusses the 1948 state and national elections.
12 Summer quarter Honor Roll List of students on the Honor Roll.
13 Survey of Campus Opinion
Lukens--Bonnie (Student--1948)
Students comment on the physical examinations that are required before entering school.
14 The Line
Pringle--Diana Jean (Class of 1950)
'News' from around the campus.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Committee will study problems of integration Will discuss problems of integrating teacher education work with work in other departments.
16 Grinnell will speak to SCA commission
17 Old Gold to run on seasonal plan Description of the yearbook's organization.
18 Over five million vets get training on GI Bill
19 Student teachers at Waterloo experience large school problems
Buck--Virginia (Student--1948)
Students talk about their experiences in Waterloo schools.
20 VA reminds vets of deadline dates
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# Article Article Summary
21 Alpha Phi Gamma holds meeting Mr. Holmes reports that ISTC is considering a minor in journalism.
22 Art group elects executive council representatives Group One, an organization of art majors, will learn more about their department and curriculum.
23 Barker new secretary of music association Of Iowa music teachers group.
24 Conserve energy! The waste basket is too far away
Buck--Virginia (Student--1948)
A look at campus wastebaskets.
25 Demonstration given for club meeting On table decoration.
26 Math Club plans roller skating party
27 Music hour features vocalists and pianist
28 Musical Notes
Harnack--Robert Victor (Class of 1950)
Provides background information on vocalist Jenny Tourel.
29 No "written" ban against campus political speakers Ban on political campaign speeches on campuses seems to be based on longstanding policy rather than on law.
30 Saturday marks religious program Will hold one-day conference at Presbyterian Student Center.
31 Woodcock plans lecture tour on school bus safety Will lecture across state.
32 Woodcock to safety congress
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# Article Article Summary
33 Bunnie nine ties Bums 1-1 in finals Panthers end their season with a tie; photo.
34 Gridmen pin 34-0 defeat on Vikings Panthers win their sixth consecutive game against Augustana; photo.
35 KO's Compares professional football to college football.
36 P. E. Doings List of women injured while playing hockey and soccer.
37 Panther eleven will invade Emporia this weekend Panthers will play Kansas State Teachers College; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Alison Aitchison prepares social studies pamphlet
39 Canada gives bonus to vets in Air Force
40 Metal work class has projects on display
41 New library is being established at Women's Gym in memory of Wild Books available to anyone studying physical education; alumni have contributed $1420 for upkeep of the collection.
42 Students may still apply for special study Criteria for carrying out an independent study.
43 VA asks vets to name insurance beneficiaries
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# Article Article Summary
44 Alumni to attend dinner reunion At ISEA meeting.
45 Bridge tournament to begin here
46 Faculty will be guests at dinner Given by President and Mrs. Price.
47 Four corridors guests at tea
48 Home Ec frat plans dinner for graduates
49 Honorary business frat initiates ten
50 Prices entertain at Halloween party Serve as hosts for group of forty-eight.
51 Purple Arrow initiates six new members
52 Short story contest offers students prizes
53 Teachers College presents school library exhibit At ISEA meeting.
54 The Greek Rendezvous News from campus fraternities and sororities.
55 Weekly meditations held at Bartlett Hall
56 What to Wear Suggests clothing that is appropriate to wear around the dorms and to concerts.
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# Article Article Summary
57 Dr. Bodein will speak at weekly Coffee Hour
58 Fox to tell what's wrong with democracy Will speak to Humanist Club.
59 Fraternity discusses problems of teaching Beta Beta Beta studies biology teaching techniques.
60 Home Ec faculty attend convention Several faculty will participate in state meeting.
61 Social Science group hears election returns Custom to meet every two years to hear results.