Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Sleeping Beauty' brings medieval imagery to stage Play preview.
2 Article by Stageberg in December journal Article is on sonnets.
3 Commons to serve turkey at annual Christmas dinner There will be four servings to accommodate the anticipated large crowd.
4 Denny to attend education meeting
5 Dunham to play at formal; "Memories of You" will begin dance
6 Holm, White win debate honors here Twenty-five colleges and universities sent representatives.
7 Orchestra, Chorus join in Messiah
8 SCA issues Christmas meditation booklets
9 Un-American activities? Professor Howard wants Congressional hearings returned.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Lawther women preparing gifts for girls at Ottumwa Orphanage
Meyer--Carol Irene (Class of 1950)
Description of the gifts that the women are making.
11 Rendezvous Greeks announce their recent and upcoming activities.
12 Xmas formal tickets Need to sell more tickets in order to pay for the orchestra.
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# Article Article Summary
13 As I See It
Grant--Martin Lawrence (Biology Faculty)
Outlines his thoughts on censorship and restrictions.
14 Hilltopics; Battle of the comic books Disagrees with the December 3rd editorial "Psychology Needed".
15 Hilltopics; Christmas joy is not universal
Bodein--Vernon P. (Religious Activities Director)
While students feast, there are those who are not so fortunate; try to discover the true meaning of Christmas.
16 Know Your Eye Staff; Goodell has eye on future; Lillehei likes books, Vanheflin Profiles of Frank Goodell and Margit Lillehei; photo.
17 Survey of Campus Opinion
Lukens--Bonnie (Student--1948)
Students comment on United States giving aid to China.
18 The Line
Pringle--Diana Jean (Class of 1950)
'News' from around the campus.
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# Article Article Summary
19 AAU wrestling tourney to be held here tomorrow; Panther entries are topped by Bill Nelson and Russ Bush
Christians--Donald L. (Class of 1949)
Several are expected to attend, including eight schools and some unattached wrestlers; photo.
20 Cagemen defeat St. Olaf, Ithaca This was the fourth victory for the Panthers against only one loss.
21 Cagers will face four ball games during vacation They will take on Kansas State, St. John's University of Minnesota, North Dakota University, and Mankato Teachers; photo.
22 Intramural basketball season opened last Saturday by 30 campus teams Over four hundred men will participate, a new high in the number of participants.
23 KO's Presents gripes about men's gym; photo.
24 P. E. Doings W. R. A. gathers to discuss winter sports program.
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# Article Article Summary
25 "Femme's Fancy" will give gals a chance
26 Campus School opens basketball, wrestling season
27 Musical Notes
Harnack--Robert Victor (Class of 1950)
Discusses music students, faculty members, and upcoming musical events.
28 Xmas activities start at Lawther Tuesday Will decorate tree and sing.
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# Article Article Summary
32 'Rec" room temporarily closed to outsiders Due to Messiah performance.
33 Bartlett models parade winter fashions in show Description of some of the clothing that was displayed.
34 Bartlett music hour held in Green Lounge
35 Christmas theme for meditations
36 Three pre-Christmas meditations next week
37 Trees decorated in Bartlett Hall Group decorates three trees.