Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 . . . Kitchen artists Two young men prepare their meal; photo.
2 College Band concert postponed says Russell
3 Dean Nelson appointed to editorial board
4 Large vote with new ballot; Thomas Clay is elected SLB prexy 1173 votes cast; list of new officers.
5 Relays "I" Queen nominations open For Teachers College Relays.
6 Russian violinist is final concert Tossy Spivakovsky will perform; photo.
7 Shaw Chorale will make 2nd appearance In next year's Lecture-Concert Series.
8 Spelman to give organ recitals Leslie Spelman will perform and speak; photo.
9 Three teachers attend Home Ec convention Topic for the convention was "How Home Economics Contributes to Family Life."
10 Ticket sale for Orchesis on Monday For annual recital.
11 Two educational conferences here next weekend Science and counseling groups will meet.
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12 A nice piece of work Thanks everyone for a good election and wishes more to come just like it.
13 As I See It Professor Guillaume believes art education is vital to general education.
14 In just two seconds you can read 17 words by taking reading course Leo Phearman reports impressive results in his remedial reading course.
15 Know your Eye staff; Denny writes 'P. E. Doings', Thompson describes ideal girl
Ludley--Beulah May (Classes of 1950 and 1971)
Profiles Betty Denniston and Whitey Thompson
16 Letter to the editor; the case of missing students Confronts the problem of poor attendance at recent panel discussion.
17 The Line 'News' from around the campus.
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# Article Article Summary
18 All Campus Sing to be sponsored by music frats Rules for group participation.
19 Creative writing club is planned Professor Maurer is sponsoring organizational meeting.
20 Fall honor roll List of those honored.
21 McCusker will visit Iowa high schools In Extension Service program.
22 Mitchell to head 250 voice choir
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# Article Article Summary
23 1580 Old Golds sold
24 April Fool Ball to require costumes
25 Games party will feature contests Will feature card and parlor games.
26 Three may be a crowd, but these fellows find there are advantages A look at apartment life for three young men.
27 Winter quarter graduates named List of fifty-six graduates; no ceremonies held..
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# Article Article Summary
28 Coach Whitford counts on vets to provide fire Panthers face the Gophers as the season opener; photo.
29 Grapplers breeze past AAU meet Panthers won in all but three classes; photo.
30 KO's No 1947-1948 Panther team had a losing record.
31 Notice Softball will organize.
32 P. E. Doings Physical education news.
33 Panther quintet sets four new team records Won the North Central Conference title for the second straight year, with a season of 16-6.
34 Thinclads defeat Coe and Cornell Thinclads had many first place winners leading them to the win.
35 Track squad will enter AAU meet at Des Moines; Drake Cindermen will defend championship won last year With twenty men on the squad, Panthers hope to win the championship.
36 Volleyball Women and men are encouraged to play; games held on each Wednesday night.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Bartlett coke tea held yesterday
44 Camping discussed at club meeting Professor Mouser spoke at meeting.
45 Musical Notes
Harnack--Robert Victor (Class of 1950)
Discusses music students, faculty members, and upcoming musical events.
46 Rendezvous Greek organizations and their activities.
47 Sigma Alpha Iota elects officers Roster of officers.
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# Article Article Summary
48 'Teaching international understanding' theme for social science conference Conference highlights.
49 Beard, Moe attend Cherokee Career Day Career Day also scheduled in Spencer.
50 Lutherans to hear German minister The Reverend Alex Funke will speak.
51 Mrs. McLeod speaks to Waterloo AAUW On books for young people.
52 Phi Mu Alpha initiates new members Sunday Roster of new members.