Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 2750 people attend Homecoming play Over seven hundred alumni attended the Saturday afternoon performance of "Street Scene."
2 50 at first meeting of Faculty Glee Club Faculty wives will be invited to join also.
3 Creative Writing Club will meet Tuesday The club's sponsor is Edwin Maurer.
4 Dad of the Day is named; choose father who sent six children here Iver Bidne, Sr., is selected as Dad of the Day at the nineteenth annual Dad's Day; profile of family; photo.
5 Faculty members off to convention List of those attending the Iowa State Education Association convention.
6 High School Press Day is tomorrow The conference is established for advisors, editors, and staffs of high school newspapers and yearbooks.
7 Kurtz symphony will be feature of Nov. 6 concert This will be the first time that Dr. Edward Kurtz will be performing his symphony on campus.
8 Old Gold notice Appointment deadline for graduation pictures.
9 Shakespeare troop next concert event Profile of the Margaret Webster Shakespeare troop; photo.
10 Thompson announces civil service exams Senior social science students are eligible to apply.
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# Article Article Summary
11 As I see Chinese revolution
Kim--David Suk Chin (Classes of 1951 and 1952)
Believes conflict in China is between the land owners, who are in the minority, and the peasant, who are the majority.
12 Letters to the editor Students for Democratic Action ask the mayor of Cedar Falls to consider a parking problem near campus.
13 Letters to the editor
Clay--Thomas M. (Class of 1950)
Student League Board thanks everyone who helped with Homecoming activities.
14 Lopsided victories Believes Panthers are no longer challenged by opposing teams.
15 Missing manners Student complains about the rudeness of men on campus.
16 Successful parade Expresses thanks for success of Homecoming parade.
17 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Alpha Phi Omega elects Warren Wells president List of officers.
19 Are you going crazy with boredom? Read this and be glad you're sane
Smith--Norell (Student--1949)
A humorous look at life on campus.
20 Language Club elects officers Officers are listed.
21 Phi Sig Phis win first float prize Winners from Homecoming events are listed.
22 Social usage make-up classes completed
23 Survey of Campus Opinion
Jahncke--Eugene Henry (Class of 1951)
Survey of students' political beliefs.
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# Article Article Summary
24 A Cappella Choir makes appearance at Ed. Conference Will also perform for alumni while in Des Moines.
25 Douglas in Twin Cities Spoke on the topic of "Improvement of Instruction in Bookkeeping".
26 Experts inspect arts curriculum Dr. Gordon Wilbur, Dr. John Ludington, and Willis Whitehead will come to campus to do the evaluation.
27 FBLA helps assemble business ed. Bulletin After the business meeting, the pamphlets were prepared for mailing.
28 Gynn first speaker in SDA discussion series Leo Gynn from Waterloo will speak on "The Union's Views at Rath's."
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# Article Article Summary
29 Conference lead is at stake in Dad's Day game; Morningside contest is final home game for 17 Panthers Panthers football team within reach of conference title; last home game for seventeen players.
30 Invitational meet carded for Dec. 3 Those tentatively scheduled to wrestle are listed.
31 KCOM to air game Will broadcast the Teachers College vs. Morningside game.
32 Ken's Korner
Aller--Charles Kenneth (Class of 1951)
Important title deciding game tomorrow.
33 Little Tutor gridders fall into third place Lose to Traer, 12-6.
34 P. E. Doings Physical education and recreation news.
35 Tutors rack up 49-0 win against Augustana Vikings Tutors rush for 351 yards in last week's game.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Conference delegates are to meet Monday
Goble--Louise J. (Speech Faculty)
Various groups will meet.
37 Halloween party will be tonight Committee members are listed.
38 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations.
39 Student Centers News from campus religious centers.
40 Waverly forum to discuss atom The topic will be "Will Atomic Energy Destroy us?"
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# Article Article Summary
41 Health services available to students Gives purpose and function of service along with hours, required vaccinations, and benefits.
42 Sweet and Lowdown
Simpson--Dean (Class of 1950)
Events within the Department of Music.
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# Article Article Summary
43 2 hockey teams go to SUI meet Will attend the Mid-West Hockey Umpiring tournament.
44 Farrell is appointed liaison officer Has been appointed liaison between Teachers College and the Air Force.
45 Humanists will meet Speaker for the evening will be Dr. Robert Strain.