Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 . . . Club Commons Chorus Chorus girls dance in Commons; photo.
2 Annual Armistice program Nov. 11 The program will include a speaker from the American Legion.
3 Estonian DP may be brought here; need to raise $1000 for year's stay
Meyer--Carol Irene (Class of 1950)
Plans are underway to bring Armilda Laats, a displaced person from Estonia, to campus.
4 Humanists meet Sunday
5 Injured player spends night in TC hospital Ken Bengford, Morningside College, broke both bones in his left forearm at the recent football game.
6 Iowa State to meet TC Gridders in 1950 After not playing the Panthers for one year, Iowa State returns to their schedule.
7 Kurtz opus given Sunday by orchestra Performance program.
8 New minor in journalism to be offered Five new courses will be added.
9 Registration for winter quarter starts Tuesday Classes will not be held on Wednesday of next week so that all juniors, sophomores, and freshmen can register. Seniors will register on the preceding Tuesday.
10 Revive men's governing body; Men's Union constitution is completed The new constitution will be voted on as an amendment to the old constitution; description of the new organization and its rules; list of acting officers.
11 TC facilities open to political groups Teachers College will charge for use of its facilities; no admission fee or solicitation of money can occur at the event.
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12 As I see America
Vogel--Chris (Student--1949)
Is impressed by the hospitality he has enjoyed here in America as an exchange student from Germany.
13 Hilltopics; War of sexes Feels women students are just as rude in their behavior.
14 Jackie Muth juggles papers; Jane Kennedy covers Lawther
Profiles of Jackie Muth and Jane Kennedy; photo.
15 Survey of Campus Opinion
Jahncke--Eugene Henry (Class of 1951)
Survey of campus "good night kisses".
16 The Line Campus gossip.
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17 Bartlett Hall has open house Open house held for Dad's Day.
18 By-Laws of the Men's Union Text of the new by-laws.
19 Constitution of Men's Union Text of the new constitution.
20 Modeling class offered in art A new class in sculpture will be offered.
21 Paintings accepted by Cedar Falls art gallery Annual art show allows for the submission of two paintings by students.
22 Student centers News from campus religious centers.
23 Van Engen makes math flash cards Are published by Scott, Foresman and Company.
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24 "The Taming of the Shrew" is next program in concert series The Margaret Webster company will perform.
25 Golden Ledger dinner held last night
26 HS students here for press day conference Over 120 students from eighteen high schools attended.
27 Jack Reninger elected chairman of Art Club Reorganization meeting held.
28 Journalism fraternity initiates 11 members A list of the new initiates.
29 Meditations held in Bartlett's Rose Lounge Held Wednesday and Thursday evening at 10:05 p.m. for approximately 10-15 minutes.
30 Van Combs have son Van and Margaret (Meyer) Van Combs are the parents of Joseph Edmund, born October 12.
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31 Frosh seek team spots next season
A list of the members of the freshman team.
32 Ken's Korner
Aller--Charles Kenneth (Class of 1951)
Gives opinion on best football offense to be used.
33 P. E. Doings Physical education and recreation news.
34 Stoeker, Nelson coach Little Tutor wrestling First meet will be a triangular meet.
35 Tutors rally; home streak to 23 games Teachers College defeats Morningside, 30-10; photo.
36 Tutors tally 165; opponents 50; DeVan leads scorers with 36 marks
Coombs--Don (Student--1950)
Panther football team prepares for deciding game for conference championship.
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37 500 dads here over week-end First Dad of the Day ever chosen was Iver Bidne, Sr., of Northwood in 1949.
38 A Cappella Choir will sing twice Will sing at the joint meeting of the Rural and Elementary Association and the Iowa State Association for Childhood Education and also for the alumni dinner on Friday evening; photo.
39 Home ec members at state meet Will attend the executive council meeting of the Iowa Home Economics Association.
40 Miss Mohn, campus hi, to speak in Des Moines Will be speaking to the women's section of the Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
41 Nine of faculty women's phys. ed in Des Moines Jean Bontz is currently president-elect of the Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation.
42 Pres. Price will speak at alum reunion President Price's address is entitled "A Message from the Campus."
43 State education association meeting in Des Moines today; faculty members at convention Approximately forty-three faculty members will attend.
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44 Add chorus line to Club Commons Committee chairman and participants are listed.
45 Art conference Dec. 10 The conference will address problems schools are facing with art education.
46 Baum piano recital will be November 8 A short biography is given.
47 Bundy and Suiter to present recital Program selections are given.
48 Lawther women entertain dads
Recent and upcoming events in Lawther Hall.
49 Mark Twain play to be presented This will be second annual Children's Theatre production.
50 McNeal new chairman of social committee
51 Myers honored at alumni luncheon The Cerro Gordo County alumni group is making plans to reorganize.
52 Nelson advises "seasoning" for all elementary teachers The shortage of elementary teachers can be filled by the retraining of liberal arts majors and secondary teachers.
53 Rehearsals of Campus High plays underway The junior high school will also put on the production of "Tom Sawyer's Treasure Hunt."
54 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations on campus.
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55 American education compared with foreign The percentage of high school graduates attending college is smaller in Europe than in the United States.
56 Pi Gamma Mu initiates Evening will include a formal initiation, dinner, and a program of informal debate.
57 Sweet and Lowdown
Simpson--Dean (Class of 1950)
Events within the Department of Music.