Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Alumni banquet attended by 330 Banquet held in Des Moines.
2 Baum to present recital Monday His program is provided; photo.
3 DP committee begins drive for $1000 fund Fund slogan is "Help Bring a D. P. to T. C."; plan to raise $1000 for displaced person.
4 Fashion show will parade year's styles The theme for the show is "Varsity Vogues'; photo.
5 Humanists hear Harris
Panknen--Elmer Gustave (Class of 1950)
His topic for the evening's presentation will be "Marxism and Communism."
6 Louisa Horton, Kendall Clark will head Shakespeare players here Wednesday Short biographies of Louisa Horton, Kendall Clark and David Lewis.
7 Mason City alumni will be reorganized Clay Cowan served as chairman of the committee of arrangements.
8 Memorial Services being held; Schott talks at Armistice Day program The program is provided. Classes will be released at 10:30 a.m. and resume on schedule at 1:15 p.m.
9 More donations for Chapel fund Current fund stands at $7654.17.
10 Off-campus men meet Officers will be elected.
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11 Constitution for men's dorms ready Constitution affects Seerley, Baker, and Stadium Halls.
12 Know your Eye staff; Keeler prefers proofreading; Hascall was hi school editor Profiles of Jere Keller and Delphine Hascall; photo.
13 Lights out too soon--in library Complains about lack of courtesy shown to students who want to study in the library just prior to closing time.
14 The Line
Smith--Norene Alys (Classes of 1951 and 1959)
Campus gossip.
15 Two servants, too many, say alums in China Former students write about living in China.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Audio-visual aids new ed course The title of the course is "Audio-Visual Education for Elementary Teachers."
17 Conferees agree: need federal aid, higher salaries Resolutions were passed at the Discussion Conference on Freedom and Education; thirty students participate.
18 Palmer explains mobile arts unit in midland schools The mobile industrial arts lab will allow children in all counties of Iowa to use basic tools and materials; cost of the unit is $7,000.
19 Pi Omega Pi holds informal initiation Last week's meeting included revision of their constitution.
20 Students to help evaluate English and Speech teachers The faculty of the Department of English and Speech voted to begin a program of self-analysis.
21 Sutherland, Ping appointed to Iowa Youth Commission Attended the first annual meeting of the Iowa Commission on Children and Youth.
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# Article Article Summary
22 8 staff members elected to hold offices in ISEA Two alumni were also elected.
23 A Cappella chorus transcribed over WHO Performance from convention was taped and played on the radio.
24 Cast for Children's Theater named List of cast members.
25 Education society will initiate 30 members Initiates are listed.
26 SCA will give panel at Waterloo YWCA Will part of a panel discussion entitled "Christian Insight into the World Crisis."
27 Student centers Activities and events are planned; Lutheran Missouri Synod also listed.
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28 Cagers drill for season's opener on December 1 Will be playing Central College of Pella; photo.
29 Conference crown rests on contest with S. D. U.; Miller and DeVan will captain Panthers in the season finale Conference title is up in the air as the Panthers take on South Dakota; photo.
30 Ken's Korner
Aller--Charles Kenneth (Class of 1951)
Talks about the Bureau of Public Relations and its sports information services.
31 P. E. Doings Physical education and recreation news.
32 Panther Harriers nose out Grinnell runners Cross country team participates in close meet.
33 Station KCOM will air Panther-Coyote game
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# Article Article Summary
34 Bob Lee to call at Hayseed Hop Event chairmen are listed.
35 Sadie Hawkins race for men next Saturday
O'Neill--Bonnie Jean M. (Class of 1953)
Will meet in front of Campanile for the race to begin.
36 Starkey advises soloist to relax Publishes article in the October issue of "School Musician."
37 Survey of Cedar Falls reveals need for more ladies' stores Salesmanship and marketing classes assisted with extensive survey of Cedar Falls business community.
38 Sweet and Lowdown
Simpson--Dean (Class of 1950)
Happenings within the department of music.
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39 Art class correction New sculpture class is open to beginning and advanced students.
40 Bartlett officers chosen Tuesday List of officers.
41 High schools here participating in discussion meet Fourth annual discussion meet will host approximately one hundred students from twelve high schools.
42 Name bands play for Dazzle Dance Performing at the Dizzy Dazzle Dance was Glenn Gray and his band, via film.
43 Protection of sinus urged by Dr. Gamet Encourages the use of ear muffs and scarves.
44 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations on campus.
45 Science fraternity holds initiation L. W. Steege was the guest speaker at the dinner held after the initiation.
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46 Charm Room repainted; open to Bartlett girls Will be open Monday through Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
47 Committee of 9 to meet with all departments Has also been meeting with several public school administrators and teachers.
48 Oscar Reece attends agronomy conference Spoke on inheritance of the resistance and susceptibility to root and stalk rot in maize.
49 Oslo University to hold summer courses in 50 Students who have completed their sophomore year are eligible to attend.