Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Alma Mater song is project of Torch and Tassel honorary Students may submit original music and words for the contest.
2 Building, championship highlight '49 Sixty-five new faculty members are hired as one of the highlights for 1949; other highlights are provided.
3 Dr. Carl H. Erbe dies Wednesday; was professor here for 25 years Dr. Erbe died January 4, 1950, from a cerebral hemorrhage; photo.
4 Girls pay bills, call for date present corsage for dance A prize will be given for the most original corsage; committee chairman are listed.
5 Journalist Childs to speak here Marquis W. Childs, author of the newspaper column "Washington Calling," will speak on January 10; photo.
6 Placement depends on subject matter combinations There is still a shortage of kindergarten and primary teachers.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Adequately trained teachers play essential role in safety education Malcolm Price spoke at the Higher Education Committee.
8 Birth rate decides teacher demand School enrollment increases demand for teachers.
9 Four faculty members attend N. Y. meetings
10 Jo Capesius in charge of Intersorority tea
11 Placement Bureau holds conference Students who will be teaching the elementary or primary grades and qualify for a Limited Elementary Certificate are to attend.
12 Skirts slack at basketball games Men on campus are upset that women are wearing slacks and blue jeans more.
13 The Line
Smith--Norene Alys (Classes of 1951 and 1959)
Campus gossip.
14 Welle meets Truman, Coyne eyes sports
Schloeman--Marjorie (Class of 1952)
Profiles of Joan Welle and Chuck Coyne; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Braddock to discuss atheism with humanists The topic of his talk will be "The Need for a Philosophy of Life."
16 Dee receives degree from U. of Chicago Received doctorate degree.
17 Final rites held for C. S. Cory Professor Charles D. Cory died December 28, 1949; photo.
18 Former alumni director to supervise census Appointed as supervisor for the third congressional district.
19 Health service offers antihistamine tablets Physical examinations are being continued.
20 Three former library assistants have magazine articles published Short profiles of Arlene Schlegel, David Berninghausen, and Rutherford Rogers.
21 Work, dislike for teachers reasons for farm youth quitting school Results of a Minnesota survey on farming and further education are given.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Applications forms for examinations due January 20 Application is for the National Teacher Examinations sponsored by the American Council on Education.
23 Branch Summer School at Denison Will be directed by Dr. Daryl Pendergraft.
24 Mahan reports on workshop in series of meetings Monday Will report on the last workshop sponsored by the North Central Association Subcommittee on Institutions for Teachers Education.
25 Music department will present two performances of "The Mikado" Roles are available for audition.
26 Scannell writes booklet for coaches Booklet is entitled "Public Relations for the Coach."
27 Sweet and Lowdown
Simpson--Dean (Class of 1950)
Happenings within the Department of Music.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Bartlett houses poetic talent
Coop--Shirley (Student--1950)
Students have had poems published and read over the radio.
29 Change Sullivan concert date Brian Sullivan will be on campus March 23 rather than January 24 as first planned.
30 Evolution and Norway subjects at Film Club List of films to be viewed at the next showing.
31 FBLA to award degrees Tuesday A banquet is being planned for January 13.
32 Former instructor elected president of Phi Beta Kappa Will hold office until 1952.
33 Injuries in basketball lighter than football Football and wrestling players have more bone fractures and knee and joint injuries than do basketball players.
34 Jim Coffin to be MC at after-game party Vocals to be done by Johnny Williams and a specialty act by the Five Shadows.
35 Rendezvous News from the Greek organizations on campus.
36 Seniors may apply for graduate grants Applications are due by February 1 or March 1.
37 Social Life Committee schedules square dance Bob Lee will call the squares.
38 VanDwest pictured on cover of magazine Is on the cover of the 1948-1949 issue of "Hope of the Future."
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# Article Article Summary
39 Cagers seek two loop wins Panther basketball prepares for upcoming games against South Dakota State and South Dakota University.
40 Jespersen tops scoring with 156 points; Kochneff second Individual scores are tallied for the Panthers basketball team.
41 Ken's Korner
Aller--Charles Kenneth (Class of 1951)
A humorous look at the possible outcome of athletics for the year 1949.
42 Men's intramural basketball teams begin play Saturday Regulations are given.
43 Panther quintet captures top honors in holiday twin bills Panthers win basketball games against Lacrosse Teachers College and River Falls Teachers College.
44 Strifert returns after operation Had knee surgery in Rochester, Minnesota.
45 Track men report for indoor drills Track team begins practices for both varsity and freshmen.
46 Wheaton next mat foe Teachers College has won the past four meets with Wheaton College.