Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Commencement plans are announced by Hill Schedule is given.
2 Housing project stock being sold Officers of the Faculty Homes, Inc. corporation are listed; have purchased land for building.
3 Juilliard String Quartet to perform for Lecture-Concert Series Sunday Members of the quartet serve as musicians in residence at the Juilliard School of Music; photo.
4 Orchesis to give 'Evening Clarion' tomorrow night The program for the evening is provided.
5 Request mobile unit for Central America Fernando Romero, Department of Cultural Affairs, has asked for cost and usage information on the Industrial Arts Department's mobile unit.
6 Singher presents finale of series Mr. Singher will replace Brian Sullivan in the final program of the Lecture-Concert Series.
7 Students elect D. Shepard Elections results are given; photo.
8 Teachers' science conference opens with Lantz presiding A schedule of the conference is provided.
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# Article Article Summary
9 An open letter to the faculty
Alpha Chi Epsilon
Students ask for day off from class and tests for wrestling tournament.
10 Dave Hendrickson elected veep at IFTA conference Officers of the regional conference are listed.
11 Hilltopics; letters to the editor
Chase--Jo Ann (Class of 1950)
Was discouraged at the lack of attendance at the convocation held to meet the candidates up for election.
12 Nelson gives facts of cut system Rules for cutting class are given.
13 Specialist finds children retarded, not deficient Professor Zintz offers views on reading skills.
14 The Line
Smith--Norene Alys (Classes of 1951 and 1959)
Campus gossip.
15 What is expected of you Recommends that those students entering the teaching profession be of good moral character as suggested by an article in the NEA Journal.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Faculty to exhibit art Eleven faculty members will be displaying their work.
17 Faculty workshop has first session Members of the faculty participate in an audio-visual workshop.
18 Gridiron banquet will be Monday Awards will be presented at the banquet.
19 Local chapter of Great Books Club discusses works of Plato, Rousseau The group, sponsored by AAUW, met last year for a total of eighteen sessions; Professors Fox and Maurer will lead discussions.
20 TC to present industrial exhibit at exposition The theme of the exhibit will be "How Your State Colleges Serve Industry."
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# Article Article Summary
21 April in Paris to be theme of style show Clothes to be modeled were made in student sewing classes.
22 Committee plans new art program Members of the state curriculum planning committee are listed.
23 Pat Nellor heads Alpha Phi Gamma Other officers are listed.
24 Students working for college have OASI deductions Explains how students qualify for Old Age and Survivor's Insurance deduction.
25 Sunset Village may be reconverted by fall to house single freshmen Tentative plans are for eleven freshmen men and one senior advisor to be housed into barracks-style housing.
26 Sweet and Lowdown
Simpson--Dean (Class of 1950)
News from the Department of Music.
27 To discuss delinquent children at Drake's Social Actions Day Annual event will be held at the Drake University.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Cornell falls to Panthers Wrestling team defeats tough opponent, Cornell, and ends season undefeated; photo.
29 Early entries begin pouring in for NCAA tourney; Purdue enters four Big Ten champs; Scarpello tops Hawks Current registration stands at one hundred wrestlers from twenty-six different universities.
30 Offer games, skating on Wednesday nights Play Night will be held in the Women's Gym.
31 State AAU meet next for Tutors Panther track team travels to meet in Des Moines.
32 Thinclads cop home opener; tip Whittier Track and field team wins home track meet against Wartburg, Luther, Coe, and Upper Iowa; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Eppard, Bundy chosen by Waterloo Symphony Selected from twenty-five persons who auditioned.
34 Faculty forum Forum topic will be "The Welfare State."
35 Guillaume and Herrold attend art conference Will attend the committee on Art Education Conference at the Museum of Modern Art, New York City.
36 Scannell recognized for sports publicity Presented award by the Helma Athletic Foundation, Los Angeles.
37 Seabury emphasized American attitudes toward democracy Excerpts from the speech of Ruth Seabury on "My Philosophy of Life"
38 Untitled Orchesis students perform on stage.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Alpha Phi Omega installs officers Officers are listed.
40 Alumni of Chicago area hold reunion One hundred and two alumni were present.
41 Bardach to join laboratory staff The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory is a biological laboratory located on the west shore of Lake Okoboji.
42 Bundy, Gunderson to direct chorus on radio program Will be featured on the High School Parade program.
43 Helf, Sheperd visit Story County schools Are doing follow-up work on a test administered last year on reading.
44 Humanist Club meets Sunday at Commons A panel discussion on "What is the greatest problem facing the world today?" will be held at the meeting.
45 Raise hours on minor requirements to 22 1/2 Requirements stipulated by the North Central Association
46 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations on campus.
47 Struve will be M. C. for informal dance
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# Article Article Summary
48 College players act in 'Comedy of Errors' Cast members are listed.
49 Debate teams enter Iowa forensic meet Team members are listed.
50 Fifteen working with extension department Assist superintendents throughout the state on various subjects.
51 Need novelty acts for spring play Novelty acts will be used between the scenes of the two spring plays.
52 Spring reunion set for May 20 Reunion luncheon will be held the same day as Commencement.
53 Wischmeier tops at conference on world problems At the Annual Intercollegiate Conference on Problems, Dick Wischmeier is rated as the top debater.