Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'I' Club searches for spring queen Individuals or groups may submit candidates' names.
2 A. Laats, DP student, likes history, Iowa's cold weather Armilda Laats discusses her life now at Teachers College; photo.
3 College choir gives final concert here Performance program.
4 NCAA tourney opens today in Men's gym Approximately 150 wrestlers will be competing; photo.
5 Notice, graduates: Graduation gowns should be ordered at the Hughes Dry Good Store.
6 W. C. Ellzey leads discussion for guy-gal relations confab An all-college convocation will be held for Professor Ellzey from Stephens College, Missouri; photo.
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7 First Staff News issue published Staff News contains information about the TC staff.
8 Hilltopics; let's gripe to the right people Students are encouraged to go to their representative when giving opinions or complaints about matters on campus or to use the editorial section of the College Eye to express themselves.
9 Industrial exhibit begins Saturday Information and pictures on the department's mobile unit will be part of the display.
10 Johnson chosen health assistant Ava Johnson was appointed to the Iowa State Department of Health; profile of Ava Johnson.
11 Majority of states have teachers teaching on emergency certificates There is a still a shortage of lower elementary teachers.
12 Needs, inadequacies of one-room schools obvious to observing class One-room schools observed by the School and Community class.
13 Notice Students interested in joining the Old Gold staff will meet on Monday.
14 Teachers College policies; where do we go from here? Miss Campbell talks about social calendar scheduling.
15 The Line
Smith--Norene Alys (Classes of 1951 and 1959)
Campus gossip.
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16 Alma Mater song deadline nears Entries need contain only lyrics and simple tune.
17 Audio-visual specialist serves on committee Will serve on a committee to prepare an Iowa handbook on audio-visual education.
18 Four participate in safety meet Will serve as consultants in the Governor's Safety Congress.
19 Graduate writes grammar series Clarence Hach as co-authored a series of high school grammar and composition texts entitled "English for Today."
20 Make tentative plans to improve backstage The appointment of an architect to study possibilities for increasing the work space in the Auditorium has been approved by the State Board of Control.
21 Robb co-authors 'King Arthur' play Kathryn Robb's play has tied for first place in an international play contest.
22 Teachers qualities revealed in poll Survey conducted by the Committee on Curriculum; brief survey of results.
23 Wischmeier receives top rating in extemp A superior rating was received by Dick Wischmeier at the Annual State Tournament of the Iowa Forensic Association.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Bill Smith tops mat scoring Wrestling scores shown.
25 Championship trophies displayed in new case New trophy case is located along the east corridor of the Men's Gym.
26 First night meet in track history tops Tutor schedule The spring schedule is given.
27 McCuskey builds champions; never wrestled himself Profile of Dave McCuskey.
28 Panther Cindermen capture second place in state AAU Defending their title, Panther track team loses to Drake, taking second place.
29 Panthers ascend to national fame from obscurity
Coyne--Charles Edward ( Chuck) (Class of 1951)
Recounts the accomplishments of the Panther wrestling team over the years.
30 Schedule 18 baseball games; Whitford seeks new infielders Baseball team prepares for upcoming games; chances for sophomores to play varsity increases.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Fargo forum honors two Tutors cage aces Were named to the all-North Central Conference team.
32 Five graduates enter teams in state meet Five alumni will be coaching teams at this year's boys' state high school basketball tournament.
34 Luther first foe for tennis team Tennis team opens up at home against Luther College.
35 Name entrances for mat tourney Gives directions for entering the building for the wrestling tournament.
36 Six receive officials ratings for basketball Four faculty members can officiate women's basketball in any state and two students can officiate locally.
37 Wrestling tournament televised next week WOI-TV will show the tape of the National Collegiate Wrestling Championships the week after the tournament.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Ken's Korner
Aller--Charles Kenneth (Class of 1951)
Wrestling team looking for the championship title for fourth time.
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38 Colleges required to follow grads E. L. Ritter has written an article entitled "Using Resources of Institutions of Higher Education."
39 Douglas accepts UBEA position Will serve on a committee on behalf of the United Business Education Association.
40 Faculty Dames meet Will hold an open house.
41 Guidance films to be shown at preview The names of the films to be shown are provided.
42 Robinson, Ginther to head pep fraternity Other officers are listed.
43 Safety Ed conference to be held April 22 A. R. Lauer and Bert Woodcock will present a report.
44 Six committees work on problems for Men's Union The six working committees within the Men's Union include: social regulations, social standards, scholarship, recreation, traditions, and freshmen orientation.
45 Summer jobs will be topic at coffeehour The subject of the panel discussion will be "What you are doing this summer?"
46 Sweet and Lowdown
Simpson--Dean (Class of 1950)
News from the Department of Music.
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47 College Players act for Doty and O'Brien Presented "Julius Caesar."
48 Entertainment planned for after mat meet A spot entertainment program will take place in the Commons ballroom.
49 Farmer's Frolic set for March 31 Students are encouraged to wear their jeans and informal clothing for the dance.
50 FBLA will hold convention April 1 The main speaker of the event will be Mary Williamson, Younkers, Des Moines.
51 Humanist Club to hear Kolstoe on Sunday The title of his presentation will be "You and Your Dreams."
52 Informal dance is set for tomorrow night Guests for the evening will the Department of Men's Physical Education.
53 Kappa Delta Pi names convention delegates Margaret Huntington will serve as TC's delegate to the national meeting.
54 Lawther to elect corridor chairmen
Names will be submitted and, from those, a group will be selected. These names will then be voted upon.
55 Ray, Laury to exhibit art work on Sunday Included in the show will be ceramics, weaving, prints, painting, and metal work.
56 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations on campus.
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57 Alpha Phi Omega installs officers Initiation of winter pledges, along with honorary member, Jim Owens.
58 Cast announced for spring play List of cast members for "The Streets of New York"..
59 Cortez Peters, proficient typist performs on Tuesday Cortez Peters' appearance on campus is courtesy of the Royal Typewriter Company.
60 Dean Nelson attends Chicago conference Will be attending the annual meeting of the North Central Association.
61 Freshmen must see advisors by Wednesday Those freshmen who are pursuing a four-year B. A. degree should see their faculty advisor.
62 Library receives new Red Cross pamphlets Pamphlets are available on first aid, blood, and accident prevention.
63 Math conference will be April 1 Featured guests speakers will be W. A. Brownell and John R. Mayor.
64 Nellor earns publications 'Oil Can' Some of the past winners of the 'Oil Can' award are listed.