Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 . . . . An Easter lily Photo of cross for Easter; poem accompanies it; photo.
2 Committee completes work; recommendations made to board The new four-year curriculum program will now be presented to the State Board of Education. Committee members are listed.
3 Fall term starts one week later Various changes in the academic calendar are announced for the 1950-1951 school year.
4 General education conference begins The theme of the conference is "Today Creates Tomorrow in Teachers Education". It is sponsored by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and Teachers College.
5 Notice, graduates: Should report for placement information.
6 Plan sunrise service for 7:30 a.m. Sunday The annual Eastern sunrise service will be held.
7 Reveal filing for chairmanship of AWS committees Women are encouraged to attend meeting to learn more about the various committees.
8 Scott to present concert May 1 Hazel Scott will present a piano concert; photo.
9 Sophomore test results posted Results will be mailed at a later date.
10 They're no lilies . . . . Crowd gathers around wrestling champ after the AAU tournament in New York; photo.
11 To dismiss classes at 2:55 P. M. today - Nelson Will allow instructors to attend teaching conference being held on campus.
12 VA sets deadline for beginning GI bill education Veterans need to begin their education or training before July 25, 1951, in order to take advantage of the G. I. Bill.
13 Winter Honor Roll recognizes 257 List of those named to the Honor Roll.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Committee announced to select Alma Mater Four entries were received for the contest.
15 Greeley No. 8 defended
Bare--Ruth E. (Class of 1950)
Believes students in the demonstration schools, in particular Greeley No. 8, are getting a good education.
16 Screening committee uses advice, not coercion, states Dean Nelson; Teacher College policies The Committee of Professional Screening's policies are explained; list of committee members..
17 Social Life Committee give rebuttal to formal petition
Smith--Norene Alys (Classes of 1951 and 1959)
Shares discussion on the issue of changing the location of the Spring Formal.
18 Will Easter truly come on Sunday? Tries to express what the true spirit of Easter means.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Five instructors conduct classes in Naval Reserve
Frederick--Marilyn Darlene (Class of 1952)
Serving as lieutenants in the Naval Reserve.
20 Literary class meets bi-weekly with Bigelow for 7 a.m. class
Chase--Jo Ann (Class of 1950)
The Literary Synthesis class decided to meet at 7 a.m. since it was the only time all the students enrolled could meet.
21 Recommendations for safety made Recommendation came from Iowa Safety Congress held in Des Moines.
22 The Line
Smith--Norene Alys (Classes of 1951 and 1959)
Campus gossip.
23 Three students work on projects for mobile unit A description of the projects.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Drake gridders will be Homecoming foe Homecoming for Fall 1950 will be October 13-15.
25 Drake is host to cindermen in dual meet next Tuesday Men's track travels to Drake for beginning of outdoor season. photo.
26 Five individual winners enable grapplers to complete slam Panthers win the NAAU tournament; photo.
27 Freshman track squad totals 18; lack weight men Squad members are listed.
28 Ken's Korner Basketball awards are given to ten men; columnist had pre-picked eight of the ten to receive awards.
29 Panther nine splits in two game series with Iowa State Baseball team defeats Iowa State in first game, then loses in second game.
30 Spring grid drills are underway; 8 lettermen report Returning lettermen are listed.
31 Strutz will box in amateur show Will appear on the All Star Amateur Boxing Show; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Diamondmen battle Minnesota today in first home contest Starting line-up is listed; photo.
33 Jespersen, Kochneff honored Selected for the all-conference basketball team by the North Central Conference.
34 Thinclads score lopsided win in invitational meet Saturday Panther track ends indoor season with a first place win; photo.
35 Tutors capture 5 indoor meets; close undefeated Panther track team goes whole indoor season undefeated for second straight year.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Education courses discussed at meeting Topic of discussion was "Education's Stronghold or Stranglehold".
37 FBLA chooses state high school leaders List of those elected.
38 Guillaume presides at art conference here About three hundred county superintendents and art teachers attended the meeting.
39 Hold state conference for business education Russell G. Hosler, University of Wisconsin, will be main speaker.
40 Homecoming comm. chairman announced Committees and their members are listed.
41 Lost and found department has plenty of glasses, books, and pens Unclaimed articles will be sold.
42 Major Eagan to accept applications for Marine commissions April 19, 20
43 New state course in Business Ed released
44 People show interest in industrial exhibit Approximately five thousand folders were handed out.
45 Pi Gamma Mu holds dinner and initiation Program will be conducted by initiates.
46 SAI initiates six List of new members.
47 Summer school will take nine from music staff List of faculty who will be taking classes this summer and the schools they will be attending.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Bartlett senior counselors named List of those named as counselors.
49 Current biology display features blue bird's wing
50 Education Department honors Dr. E. C. Denny Steps down as head of the department to resume full-time teaching.
51 FBLA will elect officers Tuesday
52 Freshmen may select majors after April 10 To declare major, students will need to contact the head of the department of their prospective major.
53 Harper writes chapter in world history book The chapter will appear in the book entitled "Improving Teaching of World History".
54 Jean Ray, Frank Laury art exhibit extended
55 Lawther selects corridor chairman Other committee chairmen are listed.
56 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
57 College workers give aid weekly Extension Service assists superintendents as needed.
58 Epsilon Pi Tau plans annual spring initiation
59 Fantastic creations for Easter startle student into madness
Describes the latest fashion in hats.
60 Film previews to be held Tuesday evening Social science films will be shown.
61 Sweet and Lowdown
Simpson--Dean (Class of 1950)
News from the Department of Music.