Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Curtis to play at dance tonight Will hold freshmen de-capping at "Beanie Bounce".
2 Dr. Kelso urges student-advisor conference soon Urges students to keep in contact with their advisors.
3 Homecoming plans nearing final stage Brief schedule of activities.
4 Hundred teachers to attend confab Administrators and faculty will speak at social science conference.
5 Juniors need to get credit balance sheets Need to know their progress toward graduation.
6 Kappa Delta Pi meets tonight in Gilchrist
7 Maucker honored at SLB dinner Gets acquainted with student leaders.
8 Nash leads guy-gal conclave Ethel Nash will be on campus for speech and consultation on marriage and relationships; photo.
9 Satisfactory work may defer men from draft call Rules and advice on deferment of military draft.
10 Students in Marine Reserves may be called this quarter Fourteen students have already left school; others will likely follow.
11 Students may purchase Ames reserve tickets
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# Article Article Summary
12 Beauty is year round project Plea to abstain from walking on the grass/campus lawns.
13 IA major from Des Moines leads Student League Board Profile of Dick Shephard; photo.
14 Now do your part Teachers are instituting fairer tests; is up to students to stop cheating.
15 Student Centers News from campus religious centers.
16 The Line
Rohlfs--Nancy (Nan) Margo (Class of 1951)
'News' from around campus.
17 Who's 'eclipsed'?
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# Article Article Summary
18 'Newmanite' tells of center events Newsletter gives information about activities at Catholic Student Center.
19 Band to present specialty number tomorrow night Will portray the life of a music student at ISTC.
20 Iowa fifth graders to probe social implications of A-bomb Professor Wagner head group that wrote study guide.
21 Limited openings exist in WAVES, Navy says
22 Sherman to head Seerley offices Homer Sherman and Harland Hayek elected; list of other officers.
23 Sunset Village will not house any single men Attempting to meet demands of veterans with families.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Baseball squad rolls into shape Team goes into third week of practice this week; squad members are announced.
25 Cagers to start practice Monday
26 From the Bench (column)
Coyne--Charles Edward ( Chuck) (Class of 1951)
Sports news from various college campuses (including TC).
27 Happ requests scores to make golf pairings Preparing for faculty men's tournament.
28 Panthers face Bison here in loop contest Victory last week has prepared Panthers to meet North Dakota University.
29 TC host to HSAA: Quinn to give rules
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# Article Article Summary
30 AWS executive board begins plans for year Plans include conference and house party.
31 File tennis entries for tournament now Competition for women.
32 Frosh introduced to organizations Carnival shows off student organizations to new students.
33 SCA will hold confab October 6-8 at Boone
34 Seerley president leaves for army Profile of James Rasmussen.
35 Tutors gain league win Teacher's College wins against North Dakota 33-21.
36 Untitled Remark against showy fraternities.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Around
Coombs--Don (Student--1950)
TC men appreciate life in the dorms.
38 Bishop announces new instructors Brief profiles of Margaret Buswell and Sanford Davis.
39 Huntington begins duties in dorm Profile of Hope Huntington, director of Lawther Hall.
40 Maucker to address Phi Delta Kappa men
41 No conflict in time; Campanile now fixed Clock faces now tell correct time.
42 Play group elects Stock for leader Ellen Stock will lead College Players; group will discuss French plays.
43 Reninger speaks at Minnesota U Will speak on freshman composition.
44 Seerley groups meet, discuss rules, customs
45 Seerley Rec chairman offers game challenge Challenges others to game of touch football.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Bjorkgren, Prior top village group List of Sunset Village officers; 40 new families there this year.
47 Dormitory nurse assumes position Mary Louise Gamet will be nurse in Bartlett Hall.
48 Drama frat holds initiation tonight List of new members; will be held at home of Mr. And Mrs. Hart.
49 Gamet announces hours, services of health center List of services available.
50 IFTA to start membership drive
51 Men music students are asked to smoker Phi Mu Alpha seeking new members.
52 Rendezvous News of Greek organizations.
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# Article Article Summary
53 Agriculture Club picks new prexy List of officers for Sigma Gamma Kappa.
54 Baker Hall men meet Hear about customs and code of living.
55 Statewide Industrial Arts Conference will be held on campus tomorrow First of three conferences to be held this year.