Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Donald A. Kelly has joined the staff of the Iowa State Teachers college for work in the bureau of public relations and information services Kelly will assist in the preparation of catalogs, bulletins, informational booklets and folders. His appointment fills a position left vacant last summer. Kelly recently received his M. A. degree in journalism from the State University of Iowa.
2 Farm Bureau scholarship winners attending Iowa State Teachers College will be guests at a tea Thursday, Feb. 15 Advisors of the scholarship winners will also be invited, said Esther Boehlje, chairman of the department's social committee. Scholarship winners listed.
3 Forum on graduate study to be presented at ISTC M. B. Smith, forum committee member, said four college faculty members will make up the panel to discuss kinds of graduate work. The forum will be held in the college auditorium. Faculty members listed.
4 ISTC votes largely favorable in ROTC poll President J. W. Maucker said he felt the "clear cut" majority was an honest expression of opinion because "we leaned over backward to present the outlook impartially." Almost 800 men students and 400 women students voted.
5 ISTC votes largely favorable in ROTC poll An Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps unit appeals favorably to the overwhelming majority of the students and faculty who voted on the matter at the college.
6 North Central association coordinator visits ISTC George E. Hill of Ohio University spent Sunday and Monday at the college and met with faculty committees in seven fields of teacher education. Hill is professor of education, counselor-trainer and coordinator of counselor advisement.