Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A 64-square-inch paper figure may be cut into four pieces which when rearranged, take up 65 square inches A good math student might solve that paradox but how a paper strip, cut lenghwise, remains in one piece is more mysterious. These and other "tricks" can make arithmetic fun for school pupils and mathematics teachers, according to William O. Maricle.
2 Crime, Kefauver, television--and 25-million televiewers The "auditorium" is a sign of the times that television is becoming the greatest medium of mass communication. Vice-President Dennis Williams of Encyclopaedia Britannica films, spoke to about 50 persons attending the Audio-Visual conference.
3 Iowa State Teachers college will be host Saturday, April 28, to about 800 high school students and drama teachers from northeast Iowa Tamara Daykarhanova, Broadway actress and drama coach, will give the main lecture Saturday morning for the 18th annual Drama conference. The students will be guests of the English and speech department."Darkness at Noon" will be performed.
4 The Iowa Association of Elementary School Principals will meet Friday, April 20, at the college The conference will feature three discussion groups, observation in the campus laboratory school, and an address by Gilbert S. Willey, superintendent of schools, Winnetka, Illinois.
5 The public education career of Gilbert S. Willey is notably distinguished The well-known educator received his bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois in 1920. Between then an 1924 he taught in the Gurnee, Ill., high school, The University of Illinois, and the Eastern Illinois (Charleston) State Teachers College.