Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 The 1951 Old Gold is off the press With a hungry marauding panther on its rich blue-grained cover, with 298 pages, it's the yearbook at the college. Dedicated to Dean of Women Sadie B. Campbell, the 1951 annual is the 45th to be published in the college's 75-year history.
2 The Iowa State Teachers college chapter of the Future Teachers association has been named the association's 1950-51 National Banner Chapter The college's 490-member Homer H. Seerley chapter was selected from 409 other college chapters in every state in the union. The National Education association announced the recognition in the May NEA Journal.
3 Welfare conference registration About 110 persons attended Monday's, April 16, spring meeting of the Northeast chapter of the Iowa Welfare association at Iowa State Teachers college. Donald Howard spoke on "The United Nations" at the morning session.