Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Agnes Christensen Holst, was honored Thursday, May 10, night as this year's "Best Citizen," an annual award of the chapter of Alpha Phi Omega Holst was nominated for the award by the Faculty Dames, an organization of wives of faculty members at the college. Agnes was especially active in helping establish the City Recreation commission.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Myron E. Russell, associate professor of music, will become head of the college's music department effective Sept. 1, 1951 Russell will replace Edward Kurtz who will gain emeritus status Sept. 1 after 27 years service with the college, 17 of them as department head. Russell is author of a book entitled, "Oboe Reed Making and the Problems of the Oboe Player."
3 The biblical story of Elijah the Prophet will be told in song at the college, Sunday, May 20 The public is invited to the performance of the oratorio, "Elijah" by Felix Mendelssohn, in the Men's gymnasium. Roland Searight, of the college music faculty, will direct the production.
4 Why, in spelling, does "u" always follow "q"? Can you "clozure" eyes? Why do "peeped--looked--asked" have a "t" ending when "moved--played--rained" have a "d" ending? These and countless other common sense questions that seldom occur to most of us come to the "Mend Your Speech" man from grade school pupils.