Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
9 Dorm administrators lack courtesy in general relations with students Students upset with the treatment they receive in the dormitories.
10 Is it state's or students' grass?
Burbridge--Liane Therese (Class of 1952)
Propaganda using TC's lawns is deceptive invitation, considering no students can set foot on the grass.
11 Refugee of SUI finds our college pretty 'darn' nice Teachers College is not such a bad place after all.
12 Student tests Merfeld claims
Trembath--Richard (Dick) (Class of 1951)
Finds claims about dormitory regulations to be false, is upset by Merfeld's inaccurate letter.
13 The summer has been a good one, but let's not have a fall relapse
Lane--Ann (Class of 1952)
Praises those who have contributed to the newspaper.
14 Vote at eighteen; they fight then
Gillman--Harold (Student--1951)
People who have reached the age of 18 should be able to vote.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Dear Editor: Professor questions policy on public displays of affection on campus.
16 English courses prove unsatisfactory
Fisher--Helen Arlene (Class of 1952)
Difficult to gain entrance into courses of major field.
17 Georgia lets 'em: why not others?
Culver--Jeanne (Student--1951)
Call to grant suffrage to 18-year-olds.
18 Jonesy's aide answers shy prof
Lewis--Madelyn Jean (Class of 1952)
Suggestions on how to handle public 'smoochers.'
19 Phys. Ed. defenses miss the point Classes remain too large to be effective.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Business majors tour Cedar Falls factories Will tour Viking Pump and Clay Equipment.
21 Club, camp class tastes open life
22 Grads reminded about rehearsal
23 Lifeguard jobs open for women In Women's Pool.
24 Priest enrolls for industrial arts; drafts IA program at Muscatine Profile of Father Maurice J. Dingman.
25 Student centers are curricular A general look at the nine campus religious centers.
26 Subscriptions available now for fall quarter
27 WACS recruits first TC coed; may be officer Profile of Harriet Kyras.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Around and About Telegraphs sent and received between a former boss and employee.
29 College mourns death of 'Red'
Beake--Feleo (Student--1951)
30 Graduation means flight, home for Hawaiian student Profile of Alma Mukai.
31 Student center news News from campus religious centers.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Certificate renewal
33 Curtis to direct workshop on lab improvements
34 Frankson to talk at Industrial Arts Initiation dinner
35 KPBA dinner has baseball theme
36 Rec. swimming
37 Rhodes to take trip to Canada
38 Students, profs rate humanities Professors talk about the new class.
39 TC grad named for track honor Thomas E. Jones honored.
40 To test in class hour No special final examination schedule.
41 Trip to Hawaii proves a 'must' Verda Lathrop talks about trip to Hawaii.