Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Combined choruses and orchestra to present 'Elijah' on November 18 Preview of the performance; list of soloists.
2 Competitive exams set for December For state merit system.
3 ISEA holds 97th annual convention Many faculty will attend and participate.
4 Nine TC Students achieve 4.0 averages during Summer List of students who received high grades.
5 Tickets for Fall play to go on sale Monday Preview of "The Enchanted"; list of cast members; photo.
6 Untitled Phi Sigma Phi and Phi Sigma Epsilon have the prize-winning float.
7 Weekend features two social events Dances and recreation.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Babysitters needed For couples dance.
9 November 17 is big day for girls; men to be pursued in Sadie's style The history of Sadie Hawkins.
10 Opinion is free; make use of it
Weldin--Patricia Lee (Student--1951-1952)
Freedom of speech doesn't protect you from being questioned.
11 Rendezvous News from Greek organizations.
12 Smoking in rooms irks nonsmokers Outlines reasons why students should not vote to allow smoking in Lawther Hall rooms.
13 Student government is fact, not farce This letter clarifies that student government is not just a name; it does accomplishment good things.
14 The Music Goes Round & Round
Weldin--Patricia Lee (Student--1951-1952)
News on upcoming concerts and recitals.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Baker Hall to sponsor movies for residents
16 Bartlett charm room is open to students For free cosmetics and information on good grooming.
17 Bartlett ping pong Will hold tournament.
18 Chapel sermon topic
19 IFTA membership
20 Lawther breakfasts
21 Panamanian leaves summer weather for Iowa snow, BA in English Profile of Melida Francesche.
22 Psychology conference to be held on campus
23 Students plan to attend meet held at Ames Will attend ecumenical conference.
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# Article Article Summary
24 'I' club alumni guests at dinner
25 Girls' hockey team bows 4-0 Panthers hope to add a victory over Iowa State.
26 Sidelines Various sports news on campus.
27 South Dakota's defense presents tough problem Panthers hope for a win in the final and hardest game of the season.
28 Track team is working out Panthers work out in hopes for wins in upcoming evens.
29 Tutors please capacity crowd with 27-7 victory Panthers bring another win against Morningside, 27-7.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Dorm birthday party For women whose birthdays are in September and October.
31 First annual cut day on campus finds all students raking leaves Brief history of Cut Day.
32 Knoff delivers Homecoming talk Brief profile of Gerald Knoff.
33 New grad school is for teachers Daryl Pendergraft talks about the purpose of ISTC graduate study.
34 Recap of Homecoming . . .1951 . . . for pleasant memories A look at the activities; float and decoration prize-winners; photo.
35 Teachers attend dance festival In Chicago.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Civil service jobs open for seniors
37 Disc an' Dat New record is selected as top record of the week.
38 Industrial Arts program planned Several faculty will participate.
39 Last chance for swimming checks
40 North Hall to sponsor bridge tournament
41 SAC sets date for high school discussion Plans for sixth annual meeting.
42 Sales clinic ends with dinner meet Several faculty make presentations.
43 Stokstad to give talk Lloyd Stokstad will speak to Intervarsity Fellowship.
44 Untitled Expectations in a relationship.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Concert Band tryouts to begins on Monday
46 Deadwood All of the fun and heartache of Homecoming.
47 Faculty social hour H. A. Riebe will show slides.
48 FBLA to hold sixth annual state confab
49 Journalism group has nine pledges List of Alpha Phi Gamma pledges.
50 Nelson addresses women voters Gladys Nelson will speak to LWV.
51 November 14 set for style show
52 Square Dance planned
53 Students invited to sing 'Messiah' At First Methodist Church in Waterloo.
54 The Line Promoting Homecoming.
55 Wagner announces debate opening Will travel to University of South Dakota.
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# Article Article Summary
56 Fireside series has first meet Student Christian Association meets at Martin Grant's house.
57 Girls' dorms entertain at 2 pajama parties
58 New men meeting set for Thursday Daryl Pendergraft will discuss curriculum.
59 Our own Grand Canyon Two student walk along the construction site outside Lawther Hall.