Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Drafting Americans for essential service in wartime will be the topic at the sixth annual Iowa High School Discussion conference to be held Friday Karl Robinson, is chairman of the department of speech education in Northwestern University's school of speech and is director of the annual National High School Speech institute.
2 Harry G. Guillaume announces that more than 100 persons are expected to attend the third annual Art Workshop for Elementary School Teachers All elementary classroom teachers in the state have been invited to the one-day workshop to be held in the Arts and Industries building. Thirty-six elementary school children from the Cedar Falls public schools and parents will also attend the workshop.
3 The 90-piece Panther marching band from the college will lead the gala Christmas parade in Waterloo, Friday, November 16 The parade, sponsored by the Waterloo chamber of commerce, will feature 40 nuge balloon floats including a 100-foot, five-car balloon train. The Panther marching band, under the direction of Karl Holvik, will be one of five bands in the parade.
4 The college has been designated as a testing center for the 1952 nationwide administration of the National Teacher Examinations next February At the one-day testing session a candidate may take the common examinations, which include tests in professional information, general culture, English expression, and non-verbal reasoning.
5 William H. Dreier of the Iowa State Teachers College education department will deliver two addresses at the Linn County Teachers meeting Dreier will speak to the elementary teachers in the morning and afternoon. His topic in the morning will be "High Grade Performance in Middle Grade Reading." He will discuss "Geography Classes That Go Places" at the afternoon session.