Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Art department open house and exhibit to be held Sunday, December 9 A one-man art show by student Dassine Melcher, Waterloo, will also be featured. It is an art department requirement that every art major present a one-man art show before graduation.
2 Harry Guillaume announced a two-hour art department open house and exhibit Sunday, Dec. 9 The exhibit will include student, faculty and commercial work which will be displayed in the art department rooms and halls. Features will include art metal work; pottery; paintings; furniture; sculpture work in wood, metal, wire, ceramics; and etchings.
3 Open house and exhibit scheduled by the art department Sunday, December 9 The open house-exhibit will be held in the college arts and industries building.
4 Special to: The Courier An open house and exhibit scheduled by the art department Sunday, Dec. 9, will afford visitors an opportunity to view student, faculty, and commercial work.