Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 53 children to attend party Lawther Hall will sponsor party.
2 Events announced for next quarter
3 Hop to feature Iowa City combo
4 Industrial Arts Club lends Santa helping hand, paints, repairs toys for distribution to children To be distributed by American Legion.
5 Magazine adds another prize to its growing list in 'name it' contest Will offer sculpted likeness of winner's face.
6 Merry Christmas? Student immersed in pre-holiday stressful activities; photo.
7 New students, others will register here January 2 Outline of registration procedures.
8 Pep fraternity puts new skirts on cheerleaders Tau Chi Eta purchases new skirts.
9 Samson, chorus, choir to highlight chapel service A look at the program.
10 Second VFW dance takes place tonight
11 Special activities needs chairman Dick Gallagher will enter the service.
12 YMCA leader to speak at mission Russell M. Jones will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Dead Wood Random humorous thoughts on holidays.
14 Green eyed ogres are only myth Contends that student teaching is not as frightening as it may seem.
15 Have consideration during finals Asks students to be responsible for their noise levels during the end of semester crunch.
16 Save a man's life; give your blood
Rasmussen--James L. (Class of 1952)
Encourages participation in the upcoming blood drive.
17 Untitled Encourages schools to require student participation in the fine arts.
18 Untitled Issues a challenge from the University of Idaho to donate more blood than they have.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Placement forms due
20 Research commission Professor Dreier and President Maucker will attend meeting.
21 Rose takes art honors Wins award in state contest.
22 Russell directs annual singing of 'Messiah'
23 Student League Board minutes
Schuck--Barbara Ann (Class of 1952)
Summarizes the activities of the student governmental group.
24 The Music Goes Round & Round
Weldin--Patricia Lee (Student--1951-1952)
Kudos and criticisms on the world of music.
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25 On the . . . sidelines . . .
Heskett--James Lee (Class of 1954)
The week in sports.
26 Present-day 'I' club started in 1926 Brief history and current practices of the I-Club.
27 Tree in Lawther hall committees decorate
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# Article Article Summary
28 Girls may sign for intramurals Instructions on how to sign up for the activities.
29 Iowa Teachers earn seven titles, Iowa State wins three, in Saturday tournament; Ralph Bartelman racks up five straight falls Wrestlers did well over the weekend; photo.
30 Tutors open defense of title Saturday; cagers shooting for fourth win against NDU ISTC will begin to defend its title tomorrow against North Dakota University
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# Article Article Summary
31 Film is 'haunting'
Berkstresser--Mary Jane (Student--1951)
Reviews the film "Murderers Among Us."
32 Hands off Department of Home Economics decorates tree with cookies.
33 Library exhibit has pictures, art, prints
34 Student centers A look at religious center Christmas observations.
35 Teachers college in the year 1876
Jackson--Adelie R. (Student--1951)
Very brief history of the school; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Community sing Students invited to downtown singing.
37 DAV members to meet in Waterloo ISTC vets invited to attend.
38 Drama frat initiates List of Theta Alpha Phi initiates.
39 Nelson to meeting Will attend conference on religion.
40 New Eye series to give answers Will answer etiquette questions.
41 North Hall breakfast
42 SAC newsletter sent to alumni Also Speakers Bureau makes appearances.
43 Schedule announced for student tryouts For the opera "The Frantic Physician".
44 The Line Gossip and goings on at the Teachers College.
45 Xmas is derived from Greek sign
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# Article Article Summary
46 Christmas at home Students talk about Christmas in their own families; photo.
47 Far away--Christmas in lands across the seas International students talk about Christmas.
48 Many years ago . . . A look at ISTC Christmas traditions.
49 The Christmas miracle
Baker--Lorraine Gladys C. (Student--1951)
The telling of a story involving a shepherd and the birth of Jesus Christ.
50 The true spirit . . . is in children Reminds readers that even with all the horrors of the world, one simply need look to the face of a child to see beauty.
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# Article Article Summary
51 The spirit of Christmas at TC Campus holiday scenes; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
52 'Exam Snacks' will be served to Lawtherites For those taking a break from their studies.
53 Band directors to meet in Columbus Professors Holvik and Russell will attend.
54 Baum to play piano at third staff recital Performance program.
55 Bernhard to convention Will attend conference on religion.
56 Birthday party opens full week in Bartlett For those with birthdays in July or December.
57 Board makes changes in physical education Course numbers changed.
58 Christmas tree angels used here since 1938 Brought out for use every year.
59 Disc an' Dat Discusses current albums and performers.
60 Kappa Delta Pi to have annual Yuletide party