Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Don Coombs, Cedar Falls, has been named editor of Crossroads, a new student magazine at the college The appointment was announced this week by the Board of Control of Student Publications. Coombs is a junior student majoring in English.
2 Four Iowa State Teachers college faculty members are attending sessions of the Music Educators National Conference (MENC) in Philadelphia, PA. The convention theme is "The Music Education Curriculum in American Schools." Staff members in attendance are Melvin Schneider, Roland Searight, Frank Hil, and Myron Russell. Searight is Iowa chairman of student MENC membership.l
3 Mary Batchelder, Sioux City, has been named managing editor of the College Eye, student newspaper The appointment was announced this week by the Board of Control of Student Publications. Batchelder is a junior student majoring in mathematics and science.
4 Mary Pickett Caldwell, 63, assistant professor of teaching, died Friday morning in her office at the college Campus School Attending physician said the cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage. Caldwell joing the staff in 1922 as a critic of teaching. She received a kindergarten diploma in 1910, a critic certificate in 1918 and a bachelor of arts degree in 1919.
5 Raymond Schlicher and E. W. Goetch will address the Macy Campbell club of Black Hawk county on Monday, March 24 Schlicher, director of the college placement bureau, and Goetch, placement consultant at the college, will discuss problems related to the selection of teaching personnel.
6 The Iowa State Teachers college A Capella Choir will make its annual spring tour Wednesday through Friday, March 26 - 28 Maurice Gerow announced that during the three-day tour the 70-voice choir will present programs in eight Iowa communities. Contralto Jane Mauck; music department faculty, will appear as guest soloist with the group. The program for each day is listed.