Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 iowa State Safety Congress Bert L. Woodcock, director of safety education at ISTC served as moderator for a panel on driver education in the third annual Iowa State Safety Congress in Des Moines.
2 Mothers' Day Weekend A full round of activities include a play, teas, and luncheons.
3 Powell Recital Baritone John Powell of the college music department will perform a recital on Sunday, April 27, at 8 p.m. Daphne Powell will be piano accompanist.
4 Special To: Albert City Appeal Arlene Pearson, has been elected corresponding secretary of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
5 Special To: Albia Union Republican Sylvia Tyrrel, has been elected rush captain of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
6 Special To: Eagle Grove Eagle Lois Lister, has been elected secretary of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
7 Special To: Monroe County News Sylvia Tyrrel, has been elected rush captain of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
8 Special To: Moville Record Marilyn Mace, has been elected treasurer of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
9 Special To: Renwick Times Beaulah Yanney, has been elected pledge captain of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
10 Special To: Spirit Lake Beacon Regina Kiger, has been elected reporter of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
11 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier Mary Jane Heisler, Waterloo, has been elected president of Pi Theta Pi, local social sorority at Iowa State Teachers college.
12 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier A photo caption of a scene from Richard B. Sheridan's "The Rivals".