Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 109 women honored List of those honored at Women's Day Convocation.
2 53 men elected to Hall of Scholarship and Recognition List of those honored by Men's Union.
3 All college sing scheduled May 13 Organizations will compete for trophy.
4 Announce cast for comic opera List of cast members for "The Frantic Physician".
5 Beardsley and Smith speak for Founders Day
6 Grads may order announcements
7 Orchesis recital features Lincoln A look at the upcoming presentation; photo.
8 Shaw, UWF director, will speak at speech conference Rodney Shaw will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Don't cut out cut-day - - Asks to help make the day more meaningful, instead of eliminating it.
10 Humanism--practical or pound foolish Asks how anyone can claim to be a humanist and still refuse to donate blood.
11 Little value in class officers Feels that a class-oriented government wouldn't work because students don't feel like part of a class.
12 Saving a life
Rasmussen--James L. (Class of 1952)
Thanks everyone involved in the recent drive.
13 Teachers can't smoke - - - Defends the actions of superintendents who refuse to hire a female teacher who smokes.
14 Think it over - - - Asks those planning to graduate to consider very carefully what teaching position they will take.
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# Article Article Summary
15 100 guests attend Stadium Hall dinner
16 AWS announces board chairmen List of chairs.
17 I. A. Club chooses Mentzer as president List of other officers.
18 It's a boy! Don Kelly has new son.
19 Jimmy Smith for Greek dance
20 Tennis court open for recreational use Lists open hours for the courts.
21 The Line Campus news and gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
22 30-man squad in spring grid drills Previews the upcoming fall season.
23 Netmen face third foe in five days The team will face Iowa State at Ames today.
24 Track team goes to Mankato after schedule shift The team will go to Mankato instead of Sioux City today.
25 Tutor baseball team on two-game road trip; try for wins in Minnesota today; Wisconsin tomorrow The team will face Winona Teachers and LaCrosse Teachers over the weekend.
26 Tutor golfers at Wartburg; still seek first win
27 Twelve athletes on honor roll Lists the honorees and their sports.
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# Article Article Summary
28 High school day set for Saturday Hosted by Department of Home Economics.
29 Homecoming is Nov. 1; Dad's Day to be Oct. 4
30 James L. Hollis to speak Tuesday Will speak on color television.
31 Kuebler gives address at honors convocation Excerpts from address by Clark G. Kuebler.
32 Newmanites go to Illinois confab
33 Student centers List religious organizations and activities.
34 WRA sports heads chosen Monday List of recent election results.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Alpha Phi Gamma has four spring pledges List of pledges.
36 Four students chosen as stadium counselors List of counselors.
37 Kelley to speak for art confab Highlights of the conference.
38 Officer programs available in May
39 Old Gold pictures may be purchased
40 Qualification test date announced For the draft.
41 Seerley Hall men donate to flood relief Will donate $35.
42 TC host for educational meet On professional education.
43 The Music Goes Round
Clark--Samuel M. (Class of 1953)
Music news and reviews.
44 Training program begins Saturday For Lawther Hall leadership.
45 Voters group is preparing instructions For November elections.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Adams to speak at Sunday chapel James Luther Adams will speak.
47 Advanced registration for summer quarter
48 Bartlett honors Dean Campbell Description of the entertainment.
49 Business leaders group chose Wolf as head List of other FBLA officers.
50 Departments schedule curriculum discussions
51 Discussion conference slated for May 6 and 7 Will discuss world government.
52 Goetch addresses annual meeting At teacher placement association meeting.
53 Goff chosen president of 4-H Club List of other officers.
54 Mary Hunter to tour Caribbean Islands
55 PE Club election scheduled for Monday
56 PE majors schedule volleyball tournament
57 Rendezvous News about Greek organizations and activities.
58 Student teaching meet For summer quarter.
59 Students feel few cheat according to national poll
Cazanas--Aristides John (Student--1952)
Compares ISTC student opinion on cheating with national opinion.
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# Article Article Summary
60 Ed instructors attend meetings Faculty attend various conferences.
61 Evening and Saturday classes will be offered next year Intended for those already in the teaching field.
62 Style show features six-course dinner Description of recent style show fashions.
63 Wagner, Gjerde author article On audiovisual education.