Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Old Gold 1953 title page Campbell Hall features telephones in all rooms; photo.
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2 Foreword The Old Gold staff compare college life to a cloth woven from the fibers of classes and activities; photo.
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3 Table of Contents Table of contents; photo.
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4 Our campus Bartlett Hall and the stadium; photo.
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5 Our campus Baker Hall and the Campanile; photo.
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6 Our campus The library and commons; photo.
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7 Administration The auditorium is pictured; photo.
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8 The President's message
Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)
President J. W. Maucker shares his insight on the college experience; photo.
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9 Administration The Board of Education, and Doctors M. J. Nelson and Daryl Pendergraft are pictured; photo.
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10 Administration Administrators; photo.
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11 Administration Administrators; photo.
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12 Administration Administrators; photo.
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13 Special services Food service, and curriculum laboratory; photo.
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14 Special Services Health service; photo.
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15 Art The Department of Art presents several exhibits on Swedish paintings, Japanese prints, and California crafts. A workshop is held on the importance of art in the elementary education setting.
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16 Business Education The Business Education department sponsors four lectures on "Business in American Democracy"; photo.
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17 Education The Department of Education sponsors a meeting of the Driver Training Association and a special workshop for education supervisors featuring nineteen foreign educators; photo.
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18 English and Speech The position of full time instructor of philosophy is filled by Professor Thomas Thompson. Professors Wallace Anderson and Norman Stageberg publish a book and a literary map respectively; photo.
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19 Home Economics A new permanent home management house is willed to the college by Professor F. I. Merchant; photo.
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20 Industrial Arts The Department of Industrial Arts works with the Iowa and Civil Defense Network in the construction of a new short wave tower and rotating antenna; photo.
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21 Languages The Department of Languages makes available courses in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. A number of foreign magazines and newspapers are made available to students; photo.
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22 Library Science The Library Department continues to to build the library science major; photo.
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23 Mathematics Professor Irwin Brune is elected local president of the Iowa State Education Association; photo.
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24 Music The Department of Music starts three WOIU television programs in addition to its radio performances; photo.
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25 Physical education for men William H. Koll takes the position of head wrestling coach after the resignation of Dave McCuskey; photo.
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26 Physical education for women The Department of Physical Education for Women sponsors the Physical Education Club. Organizations of interest for the department include the Marlins and the Orchesis dance group; photo.
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27 Science The Department of Science conducts statewide conservation programs, as well as a summer conservation camp near Guthrie Center; photo.
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28 Social science The Department of Social Science sponsors the Pi Gamma Mu and Social Science Honors organizations; photo.
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29 Teaching The Department of Teaching utilizes six area schools for purposes of student teaching and other experience; photo.
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30 Graduate council The Graduate Council makes decisions regarding policies relating to the functioning of the new graduate program; photo.
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31 Orientation week Counselors are assigned several counselees and are charged with coordinating the first week's activities; photo.
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32 Dad's Day Since November 16, 1929, one weekend per year has been designated Dad's Day in honor of the Tutor fathers; photo.
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33 Homecoming activities Homecoming activities include the sixth annual Homecoming Parade, the Homecoming Dance, and a variety show; photo.
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34 Christmas formal The Christmas Formal features the music of Vance Dixon. Maryann Hagar acts as committee chairman for the event; photo.
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35 Messiah The 1953 Messiah features the College Symphony Orchestra, the A Cappella Choir, and the Women's Chorus; photo.
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36 Tree-lighting ceremony Roy Eben, president of the Men's Union, delivers the address at the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony; photo.
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37 Beauty and popularity contest Gail Gustafson, Doris Long, Janet McDonald, and Margaret Merrill win the annual Old Gold Beauty contest; photo.
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38 Old Gold Beauty Dance Gladys Meier acts as chairman of the Old Gold Beauty Dance; photo.
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39 Mardi Gras The Social Life Committee directs Mardi Gras celebrations on campus; photo.
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40 Mother's Day Mother's Day weekend is celebrated with teas, open houses, and the presentation of the spring play, "The Rivals"; photo.
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41 All-College Sing Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and the Social Life Committee co-sponsor the All-College Sing; photo.
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42 Spring Formal The Spring Formal includes the traditional Grand March, along with the music of Vance Dixon; photo.
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43 College Dances Post-game sock hops, Sadie Hawkins, and Femmes' Fancy dances are held; photo.
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44 Jazz concert KWWL's Ray Starr acts as master of ceremonies of the Jazz Concert, the fourth annual performance of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; photo.
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45 Purple Key Purple Key award winners; photo.
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46 Studying for finals All campus activities are suspended for the duration of finals week; photo.
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47 Student League Board The Student League Board is composed of presidents of the housing units; photo.
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48 Association of Women Students, Men's Union The Association of Women Students and Men's Union coordinate campus activities; photo.
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49 Baker Hall House Council Baker Hall, the oldest men's dormitory on campus, is governed by the House Council; photo.
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50 Bartlett Hall House Council Darlene Larson is elected president of the largest and oldest of the ISTC women's residence halls; photo.
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51 Campbell Hall Executive Council Joan Welle acts as president of Campbell Hall, and of its Executive Council; photo.
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52 Lawther Hall House Council Mary Jane Arnold acts as president of Lather Hall, dormitory for sophomore women; photo.
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53 Seerley Hall House Council George Chambers presides over Seerley Hall, with Don Page, Bill Mazula, and Marilyn Thompson acting as officers. Gladys Rhodes serves as council advisor and director of the dormitory.
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54 Stadium Hall house council Duane Thayer acts as housing unit director and advisor to the house council of Stadium Hall. Councilors include Tom Drake, Ed Nichols, Ed Harris, and Don Humphreys. Council president was Lowell Lichtenberg. Officers include Jack Harmon and Vernon Picket.
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55 Cedar Falls Men's Housing Unit Robert Pierce serves as president of the Cedar Falls Men's Housing Unit. Unit officers include Jean McGrew and James Haskett. Professor Paul Bender acts as advisor to the organization.
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56 Cedar Falls Women's Housing Unit Joan Arthur acts as president of the Women's Housing Unit, with Joanne Gamet and Jane Haffner serving as officers. Associate Dean Anita Smith is the group advisor.
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57 Waterloo Men's Housing Unit Larry Mattox presides over the Waterloo Men's Housing Unit, with Lyle Natvic and Richard Ransom serving as officers. Professor Paul Bender acts as advisor to the group.
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58 Waterloo Women's Housing Unit Darlene Adams serves as housing president of the Waterloo Women's Housing Unit, with Sheila Flinn and Marilyn Sheeley acting as officers. Anita Smith serves as advisor for the unit.
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59 Sunset Village Council William Eckstein serves as president of the Sunset Village Council, with Bernard Kelly and Mrs. Richard Garms acting as officers. The Sunset Village provides housing for married students and faculty.
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60 Senior Counselors June Sonquist and Hugh Petterson guide the Senior and Student Counselors, aiding freshmen students adjust to campus life through the course of the Fall quarter.
61 Student counselors Student counselors; photo.
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62 Board of control of student publications The Board of Control of Student Publications consists of five students and four faculty members. The board is charged with selecting staff officers of the College Eye and Old Gold.
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63 Old Gold Old Gold staff; photo.
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64 College Eye College Eye staff; photo.
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65 Other publications The Organization and Student Handbooks are combined into a single publication. Al Schmahl serves as editor of The Prowl. You at TC offers suggestions on life in Bartlett Hall.
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66 Senior art Art majors are required to organize an art exhibit; photo.
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67 A cappella choir, chapel choir Elwood Kesiter directs the A Cappella Choir, with Jane Mauck serving as director of the chapel choir; photo.
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68 Women's chorus Jane Mauck directs the Women's Chorus in their spring concert held in cooperation with the College Chorus.
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69 Concert band Karl Holvik directs the concert band in their winter and spring concerts; photo.
70 Symphony orchestra Professor Myron Russell directs the Symphony Orchestra in their quarterly performances; photo.
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71 College chorus College chorus members; photo.
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72 Social life committee Elizabeth Rowley serves as advisor to the Social Life Committee; photo.
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73 Debate Professor Lillian R. Wagner directs the debate program; photo.
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74 The Gentleman from Athens The Gentleman from Athens is chosen for the fall quarter play; photo.
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75 The corn is green The Corn is Green is selected as the winter quarter play; photo.
76 The rivals The Rivals is chosen as the spring quarter play; photo.
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77 The dark lady of the sonnets and overruled The Dark Lady of the Sonnets and Overruled are directed by Hazel Strayer; photo.
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78 Lecture-concert series Lecture-Concert Series; photo.
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79 Film club Robert von Neumann serves as president of the Film Club, which was founded by Professor Stanley Wood in 1949; photo.
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80 Foreign educators The U. S. State Department sponsors the employment of nineteen visiting teachers from foreign countries; photo.
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81 Alpha phi gamma Gordon Henry, Gladys Meier, Carol Schoof, and Gertrude Miller serve as officers in the Alpha Phi Gamma journalism fraternity; photo.
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82 Beta beta beta Jean Grant, Marge Schloeman, and Mary Batchelder serve as officers in the Beta Beta Beta biology fraternity; photo.
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83 Chimes Beulah Yanney, June Kodani, Mary Ellen Daly, and Maxine Hull serve as officers in the Chimes honor organization for junior women; photo.
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84 Delta sigma rho Joan Welle and Bob Davis serve as officers in the Delta Sigma Rho debate society; photo.
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85 Epsilon pi tau Don Page, Dan Mienders, Rex Miller, and Walt Richmond serve as officers in the Epsilon Pi Tau honor society for industrial arts and vocational industrial education; photo.
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86 Kappa delta pi Emily Reuwsaat, Shirley Anfinson, Milton Forbes, Dorothy Adams, and Lucille Gault serve as officers in the Kappa Delta Pi national education honor society; photo.
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87 Kappa mu epsilon Clyde Dilley, Wayne Stark, and Patricia Mullaney serve as officers in the Kappa Mu Epsilon national honorary fraternity in mathematics; photo.
88 Lambda delta lambda Wayne Schomberg, Pat Mullaney, Ray Peterson, and Jim Buckele serve as officers in the Lambda Delta Lambda national honorary society in physical science; photo.
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89 Phi mu alpha sinfonia Phil Sehmann, Frank Plambeck, Dick Twogood, and Wayne Stark serve as officers in the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia men's music fraternity; photo.
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90 Pi gamma mu Robert Deppe and Douglas Wilcox serve as officers in the Pi Gamma Mu national honorary social science organization; photo.
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91 Pi omega pi Marlyn Thompson, Joanne Jackson, Mary Jo Hand, Gladys Wagner, Dale Strotman, and Patricia Barr serve as officers in the Pi Omega Pi national honor fraternity for business education majors; photo.
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92 Purple arrow Sue Piper, Shirley Mahannah, Phyllis Fairchild, Pat Von Sprecken, Lois Lister, and Jo Pogemiller serve as officers in the Purple Arrow; photo.
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93 Sigma alpha eta Pat Fennessy, Beverly Kaiser, Nancy Burk, and Elaine Christensen serve as officers in the Sigma Alpha Eta national honor organization; photo.
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94 Sigma alpha iota Roberta Rogers, Carol Froning, Peggy DeBeer, and Lucille Gault serve as officers in the Sigma Alpha Iota; photo.
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95 Social science honors Norman Huse, Larry Lein, and Patricia Allen serve as officers in the Social Science Honor Society; photo.
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96 Theta alpha phi Kenneth Butzier serves as president and Jean Stolle serves as secretary-treasurer of the Theta Alpha Phi national aramatics fraternity; photo.
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97 Theta theta epsilon Ruth Eddy, Nancy Belikin, and Dorothy Adams serve as officers in the Theta Theta Epsilon honorary home economics fraternity; photo.
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98 Torch and Tassel Joan Blinks, Lucille Gault, Joan Welle, and Mary Jo Hand serve as officers in the Torch and Tassel honor organization for senior women; photo.
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99 H. V. Hake H. V. Hake caricatures at the Student-Faculty Mixer; photo.
100 Halloween Masquerade Costumed students partake in Halloween festivities; photo.
101 Marching band The marching band performs at the half-time show; photo.
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102 Alpha phi omega Norman Potts, John Madouras, Robert Bird, and Richard Cuthbertson serve as officers in the Beta Epsilon chapter of Alpha Phi Omega; photo.
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103 Art club Siegfried Reichenberg, Ellen Petersen, Bob Sabus, and Ed Harris serve as officers in the Art Club; photo.
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104 Beta alpha epsilon Mary Ellen Simmons, Kay Kaalberg, Sue Schalkle, Marie Svoboda, and Margaret Maiden serve as officers in Beta Alpha Epsilon; photo.
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105 Campus 4-h Helen Goff, Lida Robison, Beverly Eis, and Marlene Sell work in cooperation with the Black Hawk County Junior Farm Bureau as officers of the 4-h Club; photo.
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106 College players Kenneth Butzier, Elwyn Webster, Dolores Beckmann, Linda Lee, and Bob Geuder serve as officers in the College Players; photo.
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107 Elementa-ki Elementa-Ki fosters social and professional fellowship among future teachers; photo.
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108 Ellen H. Richards Club Ruth Allen serves as the sponsor of the Ellen H. Richards Club; photo.
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109 First Year K-P Club Description of organization; photo.
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110 Foreign Language Club Description of organization; photo.
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111 Future Business Leaders of America Clinton Wolf, Gertrude Miller, Patricia Barr, and Marlyn Thompson serve as officers in the Future Business Leaders of America; photo.
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112 Industrial Arts Club Robert Mentzer, James Livingston, Willis Gertner, and Duane Lloyd serve as officers in the Industrial Arts Club; photo.
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113 Iowa Future Teachers Association Jerry Lauritzen, Shirley Obermiller, Sylvia Lewis, and Lois Moll serve as officers in the Iowa Future Teachers Association; photo.
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114 Kappa Pi Beta Alpha Gwen Christiansen, Aileen Klingaman, Marjorie Otis, and Nancy Hintz serve as officers in Kappa Pi Beta Alpha; photo.
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115 League of Women Voters Joan Welle, Barbara Sage, Dorothy Phillips, and Mary Anne Philips serve as officers in the League of Women Voters; photo.
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116 Library Students Association Marie Svoboda, Della Buckingham, Florence Garland, and Margery Hellem serve as officers in the Library Students Association; photo.
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117 Marlins Ruth Kenyon, Patricia Alexander, and Pat Granau serve as officers in the Marlins; photo.
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118 Math Club Wayne Stark, Richard Kriens, and Marilyn Whittlesey serve as officers in the Mathematics Club; photo.
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119 Orchesis Helen Ferguson, Barbara Heydon, and Helen Kaltenbach serve as officers in the Orchesis dance troupe; photo.
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120 Physical Education Club Betty O'Leary, Betty Lou Jones, Novella Wyborny, and Ruth Kenyon serve as officers in the Physical Education Club; photo.
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121 Rural Community Leaders' Club Marlene Miller, Dorothy Jones, Alice Jensen, and Norma Gulbro serve as officers in the Rural Community Leaders' Club; photo.
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122 Second Year K-P Club Description of organization; photo.
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123 Sigma Gamma Kappa Norman Huse, Gary Van Slyke, Gordon Waldon, and Richard Rossmann serve as officers in Sigma Gamma Kappa; photo.
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124 Speech Activities Club Lavon Burrichter, Pat Fennessy, and Pat Allen serve as officers in the Speech Activities Club; photo.
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125 Women's Recreation Association Connie Clark, Marie Weber, and Jewell Glasscock serve as officers in the Women's Recreation Association; photo.
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126 Student Council of Religious Activities Brief description of organization; photo.
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127 Baptist Student Center William Punke, Lois Gilstad, and Charlene Anderson serve as officers in the Baptist Student Center; photo.
128 Theta Epsilon, Baptist Virginia Hoskinson, Carol Meyers, Patricia Vriezelaar, and Lorna Coxon serve as officers in Theta Epsilon; photo.
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129 Newman Club, Catholic List of members; photo.
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130 Plymouth Club, Congregational List of members; photo.
131 Sigma Eta Chi, Congregational List of members; photo.
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132 Gamma Delta, Lutheran List of members; photo.
133 Lutheran Student Association List of members; photo.
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134 Sigma Theta Epsilon, Methodist List of members; photo.
135 Wesley Foundation Council, Methodist List of members; photo.
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136 Kappa Phi, Methodist List of members; photo.
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137 Phi Chi Delta, Presbyterian List of members; photo.
138 Presbyterian Fellowship List of members; photo.
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139 Christian Student Center List of members; photo.
140 Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship List of members; photo.
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141 Inter-sorority and fraternity councils Council rosters; photo.
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142 Alpha Chi Epsilon Fraternity roster; photo.
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143 Delta Delta Phi Sorority roster; photo.
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144 Kappa Theta Psi Sorority roster; photo.
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145 Lambda Gamma Nu Fraternity roster; photo.
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146 Nu Sigma Phi Sorority roster; photo.
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147 Phi Sigma Epsilon Fraternity roster; photo.
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148 Phi Sigma Phi Sorority roster; photo.
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149 Pi Phi Omega Sorority roster; photo.
150 Pi Tau Phi Sorority roster; photo.
151 Pi Tau Phi Sorority roster; photo.
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152 Pi Theta Pi The Pi Theta Pi sorority is sponsored by Thelma Short, Dr. and Mrs. D. N. Marquardt, and Mr. and Mrs. John McNally. Officers include Mary Jane Heisler, Delores Beckmann, Lois Lister, and Marilyn Mace; photo.
153 Sigma Tau Gamma Sponsors for the Alpha Eta Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma were Al Schmahl, Dr. Willard Poppy, and Dr. Erma Plaehn. Officers include Lee Miller, Tom Drake, Carlyle Davidson, and Denny Hunt; photo.
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154 Tau Sigma Delta Dr. and Mrs. William Dee, Pauline Underbrink and Dr. Elaine McDavitt sponsor the sorority. Officers include Iris Robinson, Ruth Fischer, Janet Wandling, Lenore Langrock, and Marge Brown; photo.
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155 Theta Gamma Nu Sponsors of Theta Gama Nu were Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Winier, and Dr. and Mrs. Martin Grant. Officers includeMona Van Steenbergen, June Ashland, Marileigh Behrends, Lois Bubb, and Mary Jo Hand; photo.
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156 Inter-sorority and fraternity king and queen Donald "Tex" Humphreys and Marilyn Gabby were crowned king and queen of the Inter-Sorority and Fraternity dance by Anita Smith and Dr. William Dee. Music was performed by Howie Curtis, Sam Young, and Barbara Bagley; photo.
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157 Athletes, urged on to victory and acclaimed by noisy support. . . Silhouette of football player; photo.
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158 Tutors surprise foes The Panthers defeated four consecutive league opponents before being defeated by South Dakota University; photo.
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159 Bill Olson Bill Olson advances toward the enemy goal line; photo.
160 Panther halfback Bill Paulsen Bill Paulsen plays as halfback in the Homecoming game against South Dakota University; photo.
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161 Senior award winners Photograph.
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162 Bohnsack is Little All-American Louis Bohnsack is named "Little All-American" by the Associated Press; photo.
163 Chuck Novotny converts against South Dakota State Novotny made five conversions in seven attempts against South Dakota State; photo.
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164 Morningside falls The Panthers achieve victory over Morningside; photo.
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165 Tutors grab crown Panthers defeat the South Dakota State Jackrabbits; photo.
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166 Panthers cop title Panthers finish the basketball season with a 10-2 conference record, with an overall record of 12-10. Jerry Grady and LaVerne Greenfield earn their senior letters; photo.
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167 Forward LaVerne Greenfield LaVerne Greenfield takes a shot as Grinnell attempts to defend; photo.
168 Freshman forward Dick Beetsch Richard Beetsch performs a layup against Carleton; photo.
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169 Al Carew, Panther center Al Carew takes a shot against Loras; photo.
170 Forward Phil Kofron Phil Kofron attempts a layup against Mankato Teachers College; photo.
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171 Dick Beetsch, Panther forward A Carleton player fails to defend against Dick Beetsch; photo.
172 Jerry Grady Jerry Grady attempts a hook shot as a South Dakota State player defends; photo.
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173 Panthers win four The wrestling team finishes the season with a 4-2-1 overall record; photo.
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174 167-pounder Fred Loffredo Fred Loffredo engages Joel McNulty at Illinois; photo.
175 Heavyweight Gus Gatto Gus Gatto pins Bill Zanitakos of Illinois; photo.
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176 Don Corrigan Don Corrigan takes on Ted Bredehoft of Cornell; photo.
177 Jim Harmon Jim Harmon wrestles against Cornell despite an injured shoulder; photo.
178 Wes Sterner Wes Sterner grapples Dennis McCarron of Illinois; photo.
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179 Panthers post winning season The baseball team finishes their season with an 8-6 overall mark; photo.
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180 Panther teammates Coach Whitford delivers orders to the baseball team; photo.
181 The diamond men The baseball team engages in their practice routine; photo.
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182 Bob Watson and LaRoy Horn Watson and Horn practice batting before a game; photo.
183 Coach Whitford Coach Whitford joins Paul Ridder, Jack Wilkinson, and Don Clayton in a warmup; photo.
184 Outfielders Bob Messer and Darrell Yocum sit on the sidelines; photo.
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185 Don Christensen Don Christensen competes in the triangular meet against Dubuqe and Mankato; photo.
186 Frank Prchal and Tom Reynolds Frank Prchal and Tom Reynolds jump the low hurdles; photo.
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187 Trackmen near top Coach A. D. Dickinson's track team placed second in the North Central Conference; photo.
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188 Bill Olson Bill Olson participating in the relays; photo.
189 Buum, Hunt, Crew, and Eiben Buum, Hunt, Crew, and Eiben participate in an eight lap relay; photo.
190 Earl Sidmore Earl Sidmore placed third at the Teachers College relays; photo.
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191 Panthers take second The tennis team earns second place at the North Central Conference meet; photo.
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192 Golfers win title The golf team wins the North Central Conference championship for the fifth consecutive year; photo.
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193 WRA sponsors intramurals Women's intramural sports were sponsored by the Women's Recreation Association, with assistance from Women's Physical Education faculty; photo.
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194 New intramural program set up Coach Starbeck supervised the expansion of the men's intramural sports program. The expanded program includes basketball, volleyball, badminton, swimming, handball, wrestling, indoor track, golf, tennis, and diamond-ball; photo.
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195 "I" Club A. D. Dickinson, William Koll, and Dr. W. P. Happ served as advisors for the I Club. Officers included Robert Messer, Ray Eiben, Jerry Kunze, and Bill Paulsen; photo.
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196 Cheerleaders Chearleading roster; photo.
197 Tau Chi Eta The pep fraternity sponsors the annual Watermelon Feast and rally; photo..
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198 I Queens I Queens for spring, fall, and winter; photo.
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199 Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts recipients, names Adams through Handley; photos.
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200 Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts recipients, names Hansen through Nickerson; photos.
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201 Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts recipients, names Niebuhr through Zickefoose; photos.
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202 Two-year diploma Two-year diploma recipients, names Ackerman through Cooper; photos.
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203 Two-year diploma Two-year diploma recipients, names Covey through Larson; photo.
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204 Two-year diploma Two-year diploma recipients, names Lawless through Shirley; photo.
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205 Two-year diploma Two-year diploma recipients, names Short through Wurch; photos.
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206 Crossroads Crossroads leading to the Science, Vocational, Gilchrist, and Auditorium Buildings; photo.