Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 AWS sets date for Review Day Will talk about teaching problems.
2 Barry leads discussion at next fireside chat Will show slides of mountain-climbing trips.
3 Beauty dance finalists will be honored Beauties and popularity contest winners will be announced at dance; photo.
4 Exhibit of fabrics on display Sunday Corley Conlon will speak.
5 Representatives visit IFTA delegate assembly in Des Moines this weekend
6 Set date for concert For winter orchestra concert.
7 Students back fee raise Students vote 1193-184 in favor of raising fee.
8 Students observe race problems Brotherhood meeting sponsored by Student Council of Religious Activities.
9 Tau Chi Eta show given in Commons Will present short variety show.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Activity fee plan gains momentum Examines results from the recent vote on activity fees.
11 Dr. Frank I. Merchant scholarship applications available to graduates Outline of application procedures.
12 Dr. Sonstegard helps parents Attends meetings with parents to discuss problems.
13 Mass Media class will edit next week's Eye Won right in recent auction.
14 Max notices girls' rushing Discusses sorority rushing.
15 Men's Union discusses reports of rowdiness Will discuss rowdiness in the Commons.
16 Pledging ban accentuates need of better attitudes
Braun--Karl G. (Student--1953)
Suggests that sorority members change their negative attitudes and set a better example.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Dormitories and off-campus News about social activities.
18 Greek Letters News from Greek organizations.
19 Laughton rescheduled
20 Leaders organize Valentine party Rural Community Leaders sponsor party.
21 Play crew builds skeleton house
Phelps--Robert Frances (Class of 1954)
A look at set production for "The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife"; list of crew members.
22 Publication released By Department of Business Education.
23 Social hobby club presents exhibit
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# Article Article Summary
24 Grinnell halts Panthers 84-82 Panthers defeated by Pioneers, 84-82; statistics are posted.
25 Intramurals Discusses men's intramural basketball.
26 Mankato stops TC matmen; tutors face MSC tomorrow TC defeated by Mankato, 14-11; Panthers will face Michigan State; photo.
27 Scanning the North Central Reviews the North Central Conference.
28 TC cagers face Vikings and Coyotes TC will face Augustana and South Dakota State.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Miss Hunter sees southern states Finds religion is part of everyday life.
30 Sports in Short
Cias--Gerald W. (Student--1953)
Discusses the TC wrestling squad.
31 TC frosh cagers stop Coe and Grinnell for 4-1 record TC freshmen defeat Coe, 82-73.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Art students display four quarters' work
33 Commencement week schedule is announced
34 Counselors see movies For prospective summer camp counselors.
35 Mathematics teacher attends conference Professor Van Engen will speak.
36 Student Centers News from campus religious centers.
37 Variety of recordings offered at music hour