Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Announce crews for fall comedy List of cast members for "The Playboy of the Western World".
2 Burns gives organ recital Performance program for Professor Joseph Burns.
3 Frosh begin day backwards, hold tug with upperclassmen Men's Union sponsors traditional events for freshman men.
4 Honor "Dad" Torgerson tomorrow; alumnus named as sixth annual 'Dad of the Day' Marshall T. Torgerson, father of Jerry Torgerson, will be honored; photo.
5 Lockwood announces group picture schedule For Old Gold.
6 SLB recommends Fountain Room serve hot foods Would like to have chili and hot dogs served there; also investigating bringing big name band to campus.
7 Symphony orchestra performs October 19 Performance program.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Bruce Hughes to speak to Jeffersonians Young Democrats talk about their party's history; photo.
9 Coming of winter apparent in changing clothes styles A look at fall fashions.
10 In answer to the critics
Stanwood--Paul Grant (Student--1953-1954--1956)
Sarcastic look at facilities and service at Teachers College.
11 Roving Reporter
Harper--LaVonne (Student--1954)
Opinions from around the campus on food service.
12 Was there a fire drill? Poor showing during scheduled fire drill of Fire Prevention Week.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Forty teachers receive positions In overseas placement recruitment.
14 Greek Letters News from Greek organizations.
15 Home Economics Club organizes
16 Students, faculty take part in fall party Friday night
Horn--Dorothy (Student--1954)
Description of student-faculty party with a political theme.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Announce plans for golf meet Men's Union will sponsor tournament.
18 Hold Red Cross conference here Several ISTC faculty will participate.
19 Intramurals Football schedule.
20 Speaking of Records Musical review.
21 Tutors host Drake in annual Dad's Day game tomorrow Undefeated Panthers should have easy victory ahead.
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# Article Article Summary
22 College girls attend picnic Sponsored by WRA.
23 Industrial Arts elects officers List of officers of Industrial Arts Club.
24 Religious News News from campus religious organizations.
25 WRA sponsors outing To Backbone State Park.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Art Club honors faculty members Honors new art faculty.
27 Five community courses offered Brief description of classes; strong interest showed.
28 Hold future Teachers' Day
29 International Relations Club hears lecture Martin Grant shows slides from trip to Colombia.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Business teachers meet here today For beginning business teachers.
31 Home Economics staff members go to Ames For state meeting.
32 Lutheran chapel plans convention Will hold regional meeting here.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Dormitories and off-campus News from housing units.
34 German professor stays at college Emil Pax will visit.
35 Lantz represents Iowa at meeting Professor C. W. Lantz will attend conservation education meeting.
36 Lutherans serve deaf College Hill Lutheran Church will hold service for the deaf.
37 Teachers attend English convention Faculty will participate in Iowa college meeting.