Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Beans affiliate with national Lambda Gamma Nu votes to affiliate with Tau Kappa Epsilon.
2 Eye, Old Gold editors attend ACP convention Jerry Cias and James Lockwood will go to Washington; photo.
3 Maucker approves SLB plans for November 5 Homecoming
4 Schlicher speaks to Leaders Club On teaching in rural communities.
5 School administrators meet for education colloquium Will discuss teacher education.
6 Sell comedy tickets Monday; reduce rates on Irish play for students Preview of the play; photo.
7 Village sponsors Halloween party Will hold potluck.
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# Article Article Summary
8 A message from the president
Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)
Eye is to be commended on their emphasis concerning open relations outside of TC borders.
9 Farewell America
Qaim--Yusuf (Student--1954)
Goodbye letter from foreign student, Mr. Qaim; photo.
10 Roving reporter
Harper--LaVonne (Student--1954)
Opinions from around the campus on world affairs.
11 The need for one world
Stanwood--Paul Grant (Student--1953-1954--1956)
While the world is troubled now, the future holds great change; believes UN has a role.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Adler asks return to liberal education at ISEA meeting Highlights of addresses by Mortimer Adler and others.
13 Karamitros gives senior recital Performance program.
14 Plaehn shows slides of continental trip To Social Science Department.
15 Professor Pax presents views on US schools
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# Article Article Summary
16 Panthers edge Sioux in final seconds on Isaak's pass 14-13 Ollie Isaak's pass wins the game for ISTC.
17 Panthers face winless Vikings; try for third conference win Game marks beginning of second half of season.
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# Article Article Summary
18 'Philosophers' watch students carry out their daily routine
Decker--Howard (Student--1954)
A look at the life of off-campus students.
19 Convocation to feature J. A. McCain
20 Film Club shows 'Browning Version'
21 Lawther chorus plans part in variety show
22 Orchesis selects theme for show Still seeking new members.
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# Article Article Summary
23 B. Woodcock to dedicate drivers range Tennessee range patterned after ISTC range.
24 Campbell guest night features Dr. Wesley Speaks on physical therapy.
25 Jessica Tandy, Cronyn present varied program to full house Performance review; photo.
26 Science faculty holds picnic supper indoors
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# Article Article Summary
27 Burns presents recital Will perform in Minnesota.
28 Faculty Dames hear David Bluhm speak
29 FBLA holds party For Halloween.
30 Greek Letters News from Greek organizations.
31 Speaking of Records Musical review.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Business honorary initiates program Will accompany faculty on career day visits.
33 Religious News News from campus religious centers.
34 Students present afternoon recital Performance program; list of performers.
35 Test smoking in off campus girls' lounge Two week trial period.