Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Fall Flurry' dance theme Will offer souvenir photos at the Homecoming Dance.
2 "Campaign for Victory" is rallying weekend theme; Glenda Wilson, attendants to reign Schedule of Homecoming activities.
3 AAUW invite candidates to local offices Several candidates will visit campus.
4 Bonfire and pep rally at Prexy Pond Schedule of activities to rouse school spirit.
5 Cut Day Band will play to mark start.
6 Dorm reception in Seerley-Baker
7 Varied response to Brubeck appearance
Lucas--Barbara A. (Class of 1957)
Reviews the performance of the Dave Brubeck Quartet; excerpts from interview; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Food for thought Claims that some students are paying for meals in Commons that are never eaten.
9 Hey grad!--remember?
Leet--Richard (Classes of 1958 and 1965)
Asks the alumni if they remember their favorite instructors, standing in lines, and staying up all night.
10 No panties please! Congratulates students for showing positive Homecoming spirit and encourages them to keep doing so.
11 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Discusses the chaos of election years.
12 Peering from under a stone Describes the barbaric crowd in Commons at lunchtime.
13 Sticks and Stones . . .
Lakin--Robert (Class of 1958)
Wonders what is inside the Power Plant, talks about his visit to a bridge tournament, and talks about the Jim Fox quintet.
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# Article Article Summary
14 'The Madwoman of Chaillot' features gay life of Paris Preview of the play; list of cast members.
15 Ellen H. Richards Club to present style show
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# Article Article Summary
16 As Ace Sees It
Farrell--Jack (Student--1955)
Surveys the football teams in the North Central Conference.
17 Morningside here in "must game" TC defeated by Augustana, 13-6; Panthers will face Morningside; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 32 Bars About . . .
Fuller--William C. (Charles) (Student--1955)
Expresses his disappointment with the student body in that they didn't not stand for the alma mater on Dad's Day.
19 Marine display to be on campus
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# Article Article Summary
20 Student centers News from campus religious centers.
21 Students lead chapel, morning meditations Meditation begin in Auditorium at 7:30.