Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Battle of Rails' for Film Club
2 "Registration Roundup" theme called for campus square dance Sponsored by Social Life Committee; photo.
3 Applications due for chairmanships For Social Life Committee and Women's Recreation Association.
4 Art faculty's varied works on exhibit In Waterloo.
5 Faculty concert to feature Burns Performance program.
6 Ibsen's 'Ghosts' retains realism on stage
Lucas--Barbara A. (Class of 1957)
Review of Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts."
7 Informal party to be tomorrow Will feature skits, dances, and Pepi Panther.
8 Orchesis to sponsor dance performance Will sponsor performance of Maxine Munt and Alfred Brooks; photo.
9 Shots for polio soon available Series of three shots will be given.
10 Teaching forms are due March 1
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# Article Article Summary
11 . . . And orchids Congratulates the employees at Commons for providing excellent food service the past few weeks.
12 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Discusses price-wages, inflation, and unions and their effect on the teaching population.
13 Onions . . . Claims that representatives of the AWS Board are not reporting to the majority of women students.
14 Sticks and Stones . . .
Lakin--Robert (Class of 1958)
Comments on George Faxon's performance, the man who stares at the passersby from above, the smell of hyacinths, and wonders which restaurant sells the worst cup of coffee.
15 Untitled
Leet--Richard (Classes of 1958 and 1965)
A student smiles at a patch of grass that sticks out amongst the snow.
16 Untitled
Martinson--Shirley K. (Classes of 1959 and 1963)
Claims that most of the women who voted on the AWS constitution had no idea what they were voting for.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Candidates' platform Ed Raffensperger gives his views.
18 Overseas interviewers on TC campus next weekend
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# Article Article Summary
19 Mankato blasts wrestlers 22-6 TC defeated by Mankato State Teachers, 22-26.
20 Panther cagers break losing streak TC defeated Augustana, 64-55.
21 State wrestling tourney here 176 high school students will compete in the state wrestling tournament, hosted by TC.
22 Track team opens with Cornell TC Panthers will face the Cornell Rams.
23 Varsity trackmen thump freshmen TC varsity defeated the freshmen, 97-19 1/2; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Annual benefit is cancelled Later activity will replace the auction.
25 Candidate's platform
Maxwell--Patricia J. (Class of 1958)
Pat Maxwell offers views.
26 Reporter uncovers literary treasures in English room English Department has collected recordings of literature.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Educational clinic offers remedial reading services Miles Zintz outlines the services available for those who need help with their reading.
28 Forms for D. C. visit are available