Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Gridiron dinner scheduled May 7
2 Hi-Lo's to appear on campus Thursday
3 ISTC women told 'futures are unlimited' Helen Reich spoke at Women's Day; list of new Chimes members.
4 Mrs. Harold Lucas is Mother-of-Day Mother of Barbara Lucas will be honored; photo.
5 Orchestra tunes for last concert Performance program.
6 Study habits questionnaire appears soon Seeking information in order to make improvements.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Attune thy ear Comments that students need to show more of an interest in music.
8 Girls with ap-peal Discusses sunburns among women who are striving for a tan.
9 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Discusses the work of a committee designed to observe and evaluate the administrative practices of TC; found serious lack of democracy in administration.
10 Sticks and Stones . . .
Lakin--Robert (Class of 1958)
Discusses Stadium Hall, heavy spring rains, the activities on campus for the weekend, and suggests a student owned and operated book exchange.
11 To improve our schools Claims that a bill must be passed concerning the improvement and reorganization of Iowa schools.
12 When will they get cars?
Leet--Richard (Classes of 1958 and 1965)
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# Article Article Summary
13 Kappa Delta Pi to pledge worthy juniors and seniors A look at the history and work of the ISTC chapter.
14 Piano, Mezzo recital May 6 Carolyn Eggleston and Ardella Cullen will perform.
15 Real Hawaii for 'Holiday' A look at the decorations and the program.
16 Satirical play is well received
Wallace--Nancy R. (Class of 1960)
Reviews the performance of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher's "The Knight of the Burning Pestle."
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# Article Article Summary
17 Baseball nine hosts SDS Jacks TC will face South Dakota State.
18 End drills with game An intersquad scrimmage will take place to close spring football drills.
19 Mendenhall announces basketball schedule TC will play 23 games next year.
20 Sports action this weekend Baseball games, golf, and tennis meets will be at home this weekend, and the track team will travel to Wisconsin.
21 WRA elects sports manager List of sports managers.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Children improve speech through speech correction
Williams--John David (Languages--Speech--and Liter
A look at the services provided at the Speech and Hearing Clinic; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Ellington to be playing concert At Wartburg College.
24 KPBA elects new officers List of officers.
25 Math speaker coming to TC Kurt Mahler will speak.
26 Typing credit test May 9