Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Five conduct choir, band A look at the program of the Contemporary Music Concert; will include Karl King.
2 Remling joins KYTC staff Al Remling appointed continuity director; list of other staff members.
3 Staff positions filled now on summer Eye
4 Starting pistol to fire Final Fling festivities
Leet--Richard (Classes of 1958 and 1965)
Description of activities; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Discusses the "shortage" of instructors at ISTC.
6 Sticks and Stones . . .
Lakin--Robert (Class of 1958)
Compares the old car with the new one; photo.
7 Untitled
Lowman--Marilyn J. (Student--1957)
Thanks those who helped plan and those who participated in Social Life's activities.
8 Untitled
Skittery--Josephine Mary (Exchange Instructor)
Thanks those who made her year memorable, and especially those in the Department of Physical Education for Women.
9 Untitled
Maxwell--Patricia J. (Class of 1958)
Criticizes the Eye for those statements made concerning the dining situation in Campbell.
10 Untitled
Leet--Richard (Classes of 1958 and 1965)
Wishes graduates good luck and warns the others that they'll be back in the fall.
11 Ye olde traditional farewell Discusses what the newspaper tried to accomplish this quarter and bids its readers good-bye.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Math frat elects future officers List of Kappa Mu Epsilon officers.
13 Old Gold editors to return for 50th anniversary Invited to alumni reunion; list of editors..
14 Visiting painter to lecture at ISTC's summer session Philip Evergood will be on campus; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
15 230 to receive BA degree June 7 Brief description of ceremony.
16 Corrigan, Tgiros sign at Osage TC wrestlers will coach in Osage.
17 He's out The batter is tagged out at first base in the Wartburg game.
18 Sturch leads thinclads to "A" record Ron Sturch set a new individual record of 170 points.
19 TC student to Europe Margaret Meyer selected by national Lutheran Student Association.
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# Article Article Summary
20 The best of '57 Highlights of the year; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 A sloppily written letter instigates new TC provision Students must show a competence in reading, writing, and speaking in order to graduate.
22 About Those Greeks Announces the upcoming activities of the fraternities and sororities.