Issue Contents

Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
1 Christmas in the College
Tenglin--Diane R. (Class of 1959)
Poem describing Christmas at I. S. T. C.
2 From the president
Maucker--James William (President of ISTC--SCI--and UNI)
Wishes students and their families an enjoyable holiday season.
11 The Timekeeper
Tenglin--Diane R. (Class of 1959)
A work of fiction about Christmas.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Greeks celebrate Christmas Outlines fraternity and sorority holiday activities.
4 Handel's Messiah beloved throughout the country Short history of Handel's Messiah.
5 Kristkindlein, not Santa, brings gifts in Germany
Mohr--Elfriede (Student--1957)
German Christmas traditions.
6 La Navidad Mexicana
Leet--Richard (Classes of 1958 and 1965)
Explains Mexican Christmas traditions.
7 Puerto Rican festivities are gay, varied at Christmas
Rivera--Neris Teresa (Student--1957)
Explains Puerto Rican Christmas traditions.
8 Student wishes range from sleep to Sputnik Wants students to remember that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ.
9 TC traditions have added cheer for many Christmases
Hayden--Judith A. (Student--1956-1958)
Past college traditions.
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# Article Article Summary
10 The Campus at Christmas . . . Description of Christmas on campus; photo essay.
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# Article Article Summary
12 'Hamlet' with Olivier slated to show here
13 AWS constitution meeting Jan. 9 Will discuss controversial portions of the document.
14 KYTC to air away games! Board approves experiment Will broadcast away basketball games.
15 Maucker on education--"Public asked for it" President Maucker gives his views on the state of American teacher education.
16 Old Gold sales at all-time high Over 1000 sold in last week of sales.
17 Red threat spurs seminars; nature of Russ challenge is subject of meetings Faculty will learn about Soviet education and its implications for American education.
18 Rule abuse necessitates identification
Rod--Donald Olaf (Library Director)
Must show identification in order to check out library material.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Letters to the editor Social Program Council introduces letters to Santa Claus by students Kay Rayment and Cliff Scott.
20 Letters to the editor
Dinsdale--Patricia (Class of 1958)
Explains why men were seen exiting Bartlett Hall around 11 p.m..
21 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Dr. Fox does not share optimism toward education via television.
22 Our greeting Christmas wish for peace.
23 Splitting an Infinity
Schabacker--Marilyn A. (Class of 1958)
Christmas decorations in the newspaper room, fines for 'parking' in front of Cedar Falls residences, and a Merry Christmas salutation.
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# Article Article Summary
24 . . . On the sidelines
Peterson--John Neil (Class of 1959)
Sports news from various college campuses.
25 Commons Crier Poem about Christmas break.
26 Next year's grid dates announced
27 Rest ordered for Starbeck Coach Starbeck had heart attack while coaching recent game; must rest for several weeks.
28 Sti of the Eye
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# Article Article Summary
29 Just for the Record
Ley--Terry C. (Class of 1961)
Popular Christmas tunes.