Issue Contents

Scanned Newspaper Page
# Article Article Summary
1 Germany's fate; ACCIA 1958 ISTC All-College Conference on International Affairs discusses problems of German reunification; lengthy profiles of the speakers; program schedule.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Campus Greek Week closes with dance tomorrow night Lengthy look at Greek Week activities; photo.
3 Dr. Jones to join European seminar Professor Jones will go in place of Professor Plaehn; a look at the trip.
4 Karen Kelly is 'I' Queen!; four beauties selected by lettermen Profiles of the Teachers College Relays queen and her attendants; photo.
5 Recital Sunday to feature three of music faculty Performance program.
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# Article Article Summary
6 A plea for practicality Courses offered to students have little value or practicality.
7 No one was blasé Man will never cease to wonder at the miracle of flying.
8 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Teachers must stop assigning homework in quantity and begin assigning by quality.
9 Splitting an Infinity
Schabacker--Marilyn A. (Class of 1958)
Class at 7:00 AM isn't all it's cracked up to be, and there is a four-legged turkey in the biology lab.
10 Untitled Student in lunch line asks for skim milk.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Marilyn Jones wins highest publication award for 1958 List of award winners from annual Gridiron Dinner.
12 Music festival here Apr. 27-30 Brief look at the program.
13 Traditional hymns and spirituals revived via new recordings
Ley--Terry C. (Class of 1961)
Review of hymns and spirituals.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Heaton and Vovos win third awards List of wrestling letter winners.
15 Nine meets scheduled for Panther netmen Tennis schedule.
16 Panthers walk past Iowa State to gain first baseball win 14-9
17 Short shots at sports Anything pertaining to sports is fair game for this column.
18 State scores via miscues ISTC defeats Iowa State, 14-9.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Suddenly. . .it's spring! Photo essay on spring, a time to enjoy life.
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# Article Article Summary
22 'Matchmaker' is spring play Brief preview of the play.
23 Purple Arrow has initiation service Description of ceremony; list of new officers.
24 Roundtable discussion for literary circle Will talk about movies and novels.