Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'The Miser' goes all out for witty evening
Reviews the recent ISTC production; photo.
2 Dean Holmes will keynote AWS session Address will be followed by panel discussions.
3 Greeks throw campus party Hope to acquaint non-Greeks with Greek life.
4 Murray wins in TC test; Republicans take all in straw vote Republicans win campus straw poll; photo.
5 No parking . . . . No parking on hospital drive due to construction.
6 Second science grant given TC Receives $327, 626 for second AYI.
7 Seminarists to visit Mexico, Panama and Peru in '59 tour Quick look at the itinerary.
8 White, organist, to perform Sun. Program for performance by Herbert L. White.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Cat-Snip 'T'
Tenglin--Diane R. (Class of 1959)
Discusses the weather and other issues of campus life.
10 Circulation changes Announces off-campus deliveries will be stopped to save money; copies may be obtained at various campus locations.
11 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Recommends establishing a college for those students who do not meet academic standards for current state colleges.
12 Shut up, awreddy Asks for a self imposed silent atmosphere in the library; no more socializing during study time.
13 Untitled
Leet--Richard (Classes of 1958 and 1965)
Two students worried about another student who has been in the library far too long.
14 Untitled
Fagan--William Brock (English Faculty)
Informs students that a stile will soon be built to allow them to cross the newly erected snow fence.
15 Untitled
Hammer--Willard M. (Bill) (Athletics Staff)
The football coach is disappointed with a recent column.
16 Untitled
Hagebak--Beaumont R. (Class of 1960)
Applauds those who helped produce the Homecoming variety show.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Gielgud, English actor, is 2nd in Lecture-Concert Series Profile of Sir John Gielgud; photo.
18 They also see the light, but it's not quite bright enough
Ley--Terry C. (Class of 1961)
Reviews various popular songs and albums.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Halloween spirits ascend again
Pierce--Myrna J. (Classes of 1961--1986--and 2005)
Survey of traditional Halloween customs; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Campus traditions surround Campanile
Cookinham--Patricia A. (Class of 1962)
History of the Campanile; photo.
21 Notice Professor Bultena is starting a Magic Club.
22 Peterson enjoys playing chimes
Burke--Sharon L. (Student--1958)
Profile of chimes player Don Peterson; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Harriers keep winning
Tonnesen--Larry D. (Student--1958)
The team took their 20th straight victory last weekend; photo.
24 NCC champs to keep TC scoreless in 80 games North Dakota University won, 14-0.
25 Official cage squad roster announced Gives a team roster and schedule.
26 Open date team rests The team took the day off Saturday.
27 Twenty-five freshmen report for basketball Night practices started this week.
28 Wrestling: Meet announced; match dates set The schedule includes 11 dual meets and two tournaments.
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# Article Article Summary
29 HS discussion on campus today Students from fifteen high schools will be here.
30 St. Olaf Band here Nov. 21
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# Article Article Summary
31 Dr. Daane collaborates on book for students Writes book on effective study habits.
32 Work begins on 'Kiss me Kate' Rehearsals have begun.