Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A flag dies Dennis King and Robert Hecimovich lower the flag at Washington Elementary School, in order to replace it with the new fifty-star flag.
2 Ann Hawn, Carol Lester, Fred Cachola, Greg Bice are voted TC's 'Most Popular' Brief profiles of the winners.
3 Concert Band tours Iowa next week Will visit nine Iowa towns.
4 Elementary leaders workshop studies non-graded schools John Goodlad will speak; program highlights.
5 Future secondary teachers to learn placement procedure Placement Bureau will hold meeting.
6 I'm a failure Ron Rubek and Dennis Button compare the beards they grew for Men's Union Day; photo.
7 More efficiency provided by new library rule No material will be checked out in the ten minutes before closing.
8 Person-to-person drive for charities Each student will be contacted; goal is $1000.
9 SPC photo contest details announced; deadline March 5 Rules and procedures for the contest.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Campus playnite offers fun for all Students enjoying the evening; photo.
11 ISTC graduate wins 2nd place in opera audition John Van Epps does well in Metropolitan Opera regional competition.
12 TC weak intellectually . . . .
Bultena--Louis (Sociology Faculty)
Wonders if there is any intellectualism in the classrooms at TC.
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# Article Article Summary
13 AWS constitution revision needs approval of women Text of the proposed changes.
14 Newly graduated student pictures TC with nostalgia
Johnson--Ruth L. (Class of 1960)
Non-traditional student Ruth Johnson talks about returning to campus.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Cagers down NDS 85-62 Panthers defeated by North Dakota State, 85-62.
16 Frosh down West Side TC defeated the West Side Billiards, 80-54.
17 Panthers travel to Omaha Sat. TC will face the University of Omaha.
18 Stopped Pete Spoden attempts a shot against South Dakota University.
19 TC wrestlers drop two meets on road TC defeated by Colorado, 22-5, and Wyoming, 25-3; results are posted.
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# Article Article Summary
20 TC beats Morningside; loses to SDU TC defeated Morningside, 101-69; Panthers were defeated by South Dakota University, 77-73; photo.
21 Thinclads prepare for eight meets, indoor schedule 39 men will participate in indoor track; 1960 schedule is posted.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Student leaders speak
Seiler--Marilyn K. (Class of 1960)
Responsibilities of Associated Women Students.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Dr. Loomer featured speaker during religious conference
Sawyer--Suzanne Delore (Student--1959-1961)
Bernard Loomer will speak at first annual conference on religion; conference highlights; photo.
24 Graduate student's paper filed in prison bureau Work by Virginia Seeley will be published.
25 Notice! Students should get flu shots.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Mirror on the Mob
Pierce--Myrna J. (Classes of 1961--1986--and 2005)
Comments on returning to school after semester break.
27 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Discusses the next election for state legislature; considers that there might be a case for a different kind of representative democracy.
28 Offer publication of intellectual contributions Encourages students to write thoughtful and philosophical essays and submit them to the College Eye for publication.
29 Sobell case troubles public conscience Discusses the case of Morton Sobell, who was convicted of espionage and sentenced to 30 years in federal prison.