Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Cancer society one operation in charity drive
2 Customs changed for Valentine's Day Old Valentine's Day customs.
3 Huge cast chosen for "Inherit the Wind" List of cast members; photo.
4 Queen Shirley reigns over Beauty dance Shirley Radeke named queen; attendants also named; photo.
5 Series of lectures held by Presbyterian Student Center John E. Cantelon will speak; photo.
6 Stone House trophy winner for MU's Day Summary of the day's activities; photo.
7 Student-faculty conference held Will attend conference at Ames on the freshman year and the superior student; student Robert Koob will be panel member.
8 TC Concert Band toured northwest IA past week Back home for finale concert.
9 The Social Grind Schedule of campus activities.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Flu shots recommended Cites increasing number of cases on campus.
11 Give for giving's sake
Speake--Constance Jane (Class of 1960)
Encourages students to give at the All-Charity Drive.
12 High schools blamed . . . Wendell Burroughs claims that intellectualism is absent at TC because the high schools seem to promote social activity, instead of intellectual pursuit.
13 Intellect vs. system
Pettit--Dean Wesley (Class of 1962)
Responds to Louis Bultena's challenge that intellectualism is absent in TC's classrooms.
14 It's simple . . . .
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Responds to Louis Bultena's challenge that intellectualism is absent in the classrooms at TC.
15 Men needed orientation week Applications available for guides.
16 Tubaugh SC chairman List of other AWS chairs.
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17 Frosh travel to Coe Saturday TC will face Coe College.
18 Intramurals Results are posted from intramural basketball competitions.
19 Jackson ties record as Tutors defeat SDS, Omaha TC defeated South Dakota State, 87-79, and Omaha University, 67-60; photo.
20 Jensen out of lineup as Tutors travel to N. Dakota Dean Jensen will not be in the starting lineup against North Dakota State, because of a back ailment.
21 Mich. State foe tonight for grapplers TC will face undefeated Michigan State.
22 Panthers lose three athletes TC will lose a trackmen and a wrestler, due to academic ineligibility and another trackman who will be joining the armed forces.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Other party candidates List of candidates.
24 Other party vows action Party platform.
25 SVIG candidates List of candidates.
26 SVIG's stress TC interests Party platform.
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27 College Eye staff meeting Monday night Seeking new staff members.
28 Debaters to Pella Six teams will make the trip.
29 Janice Gideon winner of SAI Performance Award Wins $50 Olive Barker prize; photo.
30 Philosophy Thursday Will discuss the goodness of mankind.
31 Prize of five dollars grand photo award Rules for the contest.
32 TC's boilers have served for 29 years Brief history of the boilers; originally had two 30,000 pound units; now supplemented by a 60,000 pound unit; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Editorial musings Comments on President Eisenhower's proposed budget surplus, intellectualism at TC, and the inconvenient hours of the library.
34 Mirror on the Mob
Pierce--Myrna J. (Classes of 1961--1986--and 2005)
35 No direction . . . .
Wine--George (Sports Information Staff)
Challenges Louis Bultena to define intellectualism.
36 Obiter Scripta
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Claims that the home and the church are not a part of education.
38 We want quality! Claims that the quality of education is more important than how much it costs.
# Article Article Summary
37 Sobell conclusion . . . an injustice Talks about the Morton Sobell espionage case.