Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Concert set for July 11 Program for faculty concert.
2 Cool coeds
Bina--Robert Fred (Class of 1964)
Students model new SCI sweatshirts in front of the Campanile; photo.
3 Hibbett to speak Monday at Sabin
Howard Hibbett will speak on Japanese literature.
4 Play night announced
5 SCI makes ISTC a memory Signs being changed; buses being repainted; President Maucker believes that the change in curriculum is a step in the right direction.
6 Sperling here on Thursday Profile of Godfrey Sperling.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Elementary education now and in the future
Hult--Esther M. (Education Faculty)
Feels elementary education techniques are improving.
8 Somalian student concerned by Belgian Congo film here
Mohmud--Ahmed Shire
Feels the majority of Americans have a misconception about the modern state of Africa.
9 The Bee Hive
Bina--Robert Fred (Class of 1964)
Reviews historic events covered by the College Eye.
10 The Ivory Tower
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Believes SCI will need more science and technology classes to make it a true liberal arts college.
11 Untitled Believes the Des Moines Register did not adequately cover events at ISTC.
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# Article Article Summary
12 SCI sports new . . . . A look at some of the outward changes following the name change; bandshell artwork by Professor Delafield being erected; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
13 81 science instructors study at SCI Sponsored by NSF.
14 Aerospace education set Workshop will get underway.
15 Book exhibit to open Will exhibit textbooks.
16 The Spy at SCI
Bahling--Eugene Kent (Student--1963)
Students meet for a blind date.