Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Circus comes to kindergarten in Cedar Falls Miss Rose Marie Dolan's kindergarten class at Price Laboratory School conducts a series of activities relating to the circus to teach them skills in geography, arithmetic, art, social studies, and English.
2 SCI lab school holds class for mentally handicapped Mrs. Olive Bradfield teaches a special education class of eleven children from the Cedar Falls area at the Malcolm Price Laboratory School. Activities include art, music and rhythm, swimming, library time, and academic work.
3 SCI president speaks at University of Missouri commencement President James William Maucker speaks at the University of Missouri commencement exercises. He spoke on the role of the student in their education, and the value of learning in all stages of life.
4 Speech by SCI dean published A speech by Professor William C. Lang, Dean of Instruction, is one of eighteen published in "Representative American Speeches: 1960-61". The address is titled "The Bold Go Toward Their Time", and was given to four-hundred midwinter graduates.
5 Student from India to receive first specialist degree granted by SCI Jagdish Goyal receives the first ever Specialist in Education degree from the State College of Iowa. Goyal is the first in his family to receive a degree from an American college.
6 Van Til to speak at SCI elementary education conference Professor Nellie D. Hampton acts as chairman of the Elementary Education Conference, where Professor William Van Til of the New York University and National Education Association will be speaking.
7 Wallaces Farmer editor speaks at SCI Richard Albrecht, editor of the Wallaces Farmer magazine, speaks at the State College on the state of rural education. Albrecht expresses concern over the fading away of the churches, schools, and other institutions of rural communities.