Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A year in India--exciting, enriching Mrs. Reninger speaks at length about her time in India.
2 Dr. Havighurst to address institute Robert Havighurst will speak at counseling institute; photo.
3 Philosophy of India topic for final Asian lecture Karl Potter will speak.
4 Registration next Friday Advanced registration for fall procedures outlines.
5 Tickets on sale Monday for 'Separate Tables' Preview of the play; photo.
6 Von Baravalle to lecture on geometrical forms Hermann von Baravalle will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
7 'Good morning, Mr. Secretary . . . Mr. Secretary of the Arts'
Holvik--Karl Magnus (Music Faculty)
Advocates creation of a new cabinet position.
8 Price Lab wins A-V award Wins national award for the quality of its audiovisual work.
9 We want another publication Advocates the creation of a coloring book to be used as a stress reliever for students.
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# Article Article Summary
10 '62 football schedule announced A listing of the Panthers' 1962 game schedule.
11 $50,000 organ has four manuals, 4,000 pipes
Davis--Alice (Student--1962)
A look at the new organ in the Music Building; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
12 'The World of Apu' is last summer foreign film classic
13 Band conference featured four Latham compositions Will be played at national conference.
14 Musical instruments from Japan have been ordered SCI Foundation will pay for Japanese instruments.
15 Rec swim to be Thursday
16 Shorthand is seminar topic Elsie Price will speak.
17 Student loan forms due