Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Huck Finn' set simple, imaginative Preview of the play; photo.
2 8 members of SCI debate squad in tournament at SUI Topic and list of participants.
3 Christmas tree lighting Thursday Description of the ceremony.
4 College officials hoping for information on stolen prints Description of missing prints.
5 Henry Fonda in Commons movie tonight Will show "The Grapes of Wrath".
6 Israel professor to pick apples on kibbutz
Furlong--Mary (Class of 1963)
Janet TerVeen talks about working on a kibbutz.
7 Kennedy thanks SCI students for resolution Text of message from President Kennedy.
8 Next semester student teachers meet Dec. 12
9 Staff art show opening Sunday in A & I Building
10 WRA sponsors playnight tonight in Women's Gym Description of activities.
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# Article Article Summary
11 'We don't need hormone shots'
Mennenga--Gordon (Student--1962)
Believes women do not consider SCI men worth dating.
12 Adjust teacher salaries to demand Teacher demand determines salary.
13 Curious that some students not interested in foreign film
Kelly--Fred J. (Class of 1964)
Surprised that the student body does not show more interest in things other than sports.
14 Grave danger in identifying general ed with liberal arts
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
The distinction between the two is becoming unnoticeable.
15 Public should be grateful for arms race
Thomas--Kenneth (Student--1962)
Complete disarmament would lead to economic slump.
16 Untitled
We are all late for class at least once.
17 We're embarrassed to have college key law proposed Law would make duplication of college keys illegal.
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# Article Article Summary
18 250-voice choir, orchestra work on Christmas oratorio Rehearsals underway for Messiah performance.
19 Civil Service will interview SCI seniors
20 Dec. 18 deadline for scholarship by Faculty Men Procedures for application.
21 SLB receives report on college-owned bookstore Results of survey of other college bookstores; President Maucker outlines preconditions to discussion on matter; select new college flag.
22 Students may still enroll summer seminar in Europe Brief description of program.
23 Untitled The saxophone and drums are played during the "Dimensions in Jazz" concert; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Dr. Harold Trimble resigns as head of math department Will take position at Ohio State University; profile of his achievements; photo.
25 SCI Council at College Union meeting today Attend regional Union meeting.
26 Visiting lecturer Dr. Stringfellow Barr: 'College is really an inoculation' Speaks with General Education Committee.
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# Article Article Summary
27 'Mistletoe Magic' theme for annual Christmas formal
28 Math sessions at Price Lab School Dec.8 Will hold elementary math conference.
29 Sterpini painting from SCI reproduced in publication Part of permanent collection will be featured.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Boals presented MVP award at football banquet List of other award winners; photo.
31 Frosh cagers open 13 game slate Tuesday SCI hopes to open the season with a win against Titus.
32 Intramural cagers pick up pace with 28 games played The hustling never stops as the season closes.
33 SCI harrier finishes 38th Jay Prichard ran the four mile stretch in 21 minutes and 42 seconds.
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# Article Article Summary
34 200 expected to enter wrestling meet tomorrow SCI Invitational will last all day with ten schools entering.
35 Cagers open at Macalester; Winona State here Tuesday SCI plans on victory over Macalester in St. Paul , Minnesota.
36 SCI winter sports seasons begin
Park--Larry (Class of 1965)
Other sports pick up where football ends.
37 Untitled Varsity player Bruce Lein shoots over freshman Dan McCleary in the freshmen-varsity game.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Broadcast from Holland plays Latham concert
39 Pickets and work stoppages on new library called off High pressure pipe installed; will lower tunnel sections and work as long as weather permits.
40 Three professors have art works on display nationally Work by Dave Delafield, Cliff Herrold, and Ralph Haskell on display.