Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'President's home is our family home after 12 years at SCI': Mrs. Maucker
Furlong--Mary (Class of 1963)
Lengthy profile of Mrs. Maucker and her family; description of the President's House and its decoration; photo.
2 Ernesto Galarza probable speaker at Jan. 8 ACCIA Profile of speaker.
3 Extra performance of 'Huck Finn' Thursday Local schools have reserved five hundred seats.
4 Faculty members of AAUP discuss proposed bookstore Lengthy description of meeting including long remarks by President Maucker.
5 SCI students and faculty give Handel's 'Messiah' Will be broadcast over KCFI.
6 Season's dance in Commons tomorrow night Christmas Formal will be held.
7 Spring student teachers meet on Wednesday
8 Untitled Students sort through ornaments at the Commons Christmas decorating party.
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# Article Article Summary
9 'SCI women hardly in ivory towers'
Mizeur--Nancy Ann (Class of 1965)
Women don't think they are on a 'high horse'.
10 'When class size increases, something has got to give'
Thompson--Thomas H. (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)
Professors must change the way they teach as the numbers in the classroom rise.
11 Are there any serious thinking students on campus?
Zank--Jerry (Student--1962)
It seems that there are no intellectual students who think about more than grades and dates.
12 How does arms race aid living standard?
Olmsted--Richard (Student--1961)
Disagrees with spending money on protection that doesn't seem to be needed.
13 Humanities series needs an analysis for improvement Believes series of speakers could be improved in focus and communication.
14 Untitled
The surprises of dating.
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# Article Article Summary
15 College owned bookstores save money for students,' reports Ashby William Ashby reports on his investigation; Carol Brundage reports on ways to improve student leadership.
16 Holiday dinner in Commons set for Dec. 17 Tradition had been discontinued because of crowded conditions in Commons; will be revived this year.
17 SCI accepting contributions for stolen prints reward First instance of loss from permanent collection.
18 SLB selects design for new SCI flag Herb Hake provides design; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Cagers open with wins over Macalester and Winona Panthers beat Winona State, 91-55, and Macalester, 76-65.
21 Dotson, Sanford capture crowns in Panther mat meet Two of the ten winners were Panthers in the SCI Invitational.
22 NCC track coaches honor Art Dickinson Receives letter of commendation.
23 SCI faces Western Illinois tonight, Nebraska Monday Panthers face two tough competitors, Western Illinois and University of Nebraska.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Grapplers, cagers impress in early season performances
Park--Larry (Class of 1965)
The first two games seem to give a little shine to the cagers and a win to the grapplers.
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# Article Article Summary
25 'Individuality essential to man': Margolin Excerpts from speech.
26 Hughes presented with school budget increase President Maucker explains his request.