Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Carl Sandburg in L-C Series Feb. 22 Profile of Carl Sandburg.
2 Dale Brostrom will become SCI Union director June 1 Will take newly-created position.
3 Faculty recital Sunday in Music hall Charles Matheson will present program.
4 Latin American Religion topic for lecture Monday, Tuesday Father De Jong and Howard Yoder will speak; photo.
5 Old Gold Beauty Pageant finals tonight in Auditorium List of finalists.
6 Organizational meeting for EYE Monday Seeking staff.
7 Sorority rush open house Wednesday, Thursday Procedures for rush.
8 Young Democrats district conference here Sunday A look at the program and participants.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Dangerous to ignore Rickover
Olmsted--Richard (Student--1961)
Education in the schools is not as good as it could or should be.
10 Intellectual apathy is one of the most damning cancers
Bohme--Joseph (English Faculty)
Students are not interested in broadening their education.
11 Needs and interests of modern students have changed
Ingraham--Larry H. (Class of 1964)
The lack of student awareness is not just on this campus.
12 Untitled
We don't always get the professor we want.
13 We are talking and thinking about the wrong things Students need to start thinking about more serious problems.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Maucker will give keynote speech at AACTE convention in Chicago Will end term as president of the group.
15 Negotiations under way for Peter, Paul and Mary concert
16 SCI Concert Band begins seven-concert tour Monday A look at the program.
17 Untitled Students use bulletin board to try to find rides home; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 CF police search for statue thieves Stolen from Georgian Lounge; recovered in Cedar Falls.
19 Panther cagers split on weekend trip SCI brings in a win against Augustana, 68-64, but are defeated by South Dakota State, 83-73.
20 Panther grapplers lose to Michigan State Spartans SCI defeated by Michigan, 20-5, in East Lansing, Michigan.
21 Placement tests set for Monday For new students.
22 Taylor says college students are intellectually paralyzed Excerpts from recent speech by Howard Taylor.
23 Two seniors art exhibit begin Sunday Sherryll White and Dennis Hendrickson will show work.
24 Wrestling tournament for intramurals begins Tuesday After weigh-ins, matches with begin in the Men's Gym.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Panthers face toughest foe of season tomorrow night
Park--Larry (Class of 1965)
The biggest game of the season has SCI playing South Dakota State.
26 Phi Sig, Briggs leaders n SCI intramural competition
27 S. D. State here for cage contest Panthers play South Dakota State in the biggest game of the season.