Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 1948 Academy Award film tonight in Union Ballroom Will show "Treasure of Sierra Madre".
2 Gottschalk unsure about DeGaulle Excerpts from ACCIA speech.
3 Grid fans to migrate for game Students encouraged to drive to game.
4 Pianists Vronsky and Babin open Lecture Concert Series Profile of the pianists; photo.
5 Proofs for OLD GOLD available
6 Sign Language helps foreign hockey teams communicate A look at the Swiss and Argentinean teams; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
7 'Mothering' causes overcrowding
Agrees with Dianne Bock that something must be done to ease the problem with housing; believes that juniors should be free to seek off-campus housing.
8 Housing area children don't respect cars
Fay--Carroll David
Suggests that children is Sunset Village are allowed to play in the streets unsupervised and that is part of the problem.
9 Indifference keeps us wholesome
Flannery--Robert (Class of 1964)
Claims students in Iowa seem indifferent to issues such as the Cold War.
10 Perspective: academic reason rejects, ignores, ridicules the arts
Smith--Paul Roland (Art Faculty)
Discusses the seeming decline of interest in art.
11 Speed reducers must go: Parson
Parson--Steve (Class of 1964)
Questions the validity of the solutions provided to stop cars from speeding through Sunset Village.
12 Wanted--Culture mongers Announces ticket sales are slow for Lecture-Concert series.
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# Article Article Summary
13 '64 Social Science Seminar plans tour of Latin America William Dee talks about plans.
14 Donations for benefit due by Wednesday
15 EYE rated first class by ACP
16 Untitled John M. Ely, a democrat from Cedar Rapids talks with Gordon Wilhelm on Legislative Days.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Debate on student housing monopolizes Union Forum Talk about problems caused by surging enrollment.
18 Freshmen open home grid season SCI will host Wartburg at home.
19 KYTC Radio on air four hours nightly Cut back from eight hours of service because of staff shortage and equipment problems.
20 Men begin intramural swimming Intramural swimming to begin season; playoffs for intramural football will also begin.
21 Playnight set for tonight
22 Sheriff's Gridders halted 21-0 by North Dakota State Bison North Dakota defeated SCI, 21-0.
23 Varsity, freshmen athletes drilling in fall baseball Baseball practice has been going on for three weeks.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Cross country squad races to 20-38 win SCI defeated Graceland College, 20-38; photo.
25 Panther Tracks: Harriers deserve more fan support
McAdams--Tony N. (Class of 1969; Management Faculty)
Feels that SCI's cross country team doesn't get the support and recognition it deserves.
26 Panthers, Bulldogs renew annual rivalry tomorrow SCI will face Drake University.
27 Recreational swim hours announced
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# Article Article Summary
28 Auditions for annual musical open Sunday Will present "Street Scene".
29 Cast members, crew heads chosen for fall play, 'The Visit' List of cast and crew.
30 New art contest planned for 'Futurama' homecoming List of other activities announced.
31 Peter Nero scheduled for concert Will appear in Union concert.
32 Sign-up day for pledges Wednesday