Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Street Scene' successful despite script drawbacks
Gordon--Barbara Ann (Class of 1964)
Review of the play; photo.
2 54 girls in preliminaries of OLD GOLD pageant List of candidates.
3 Board of Regents okays increased tuition rates Increase tuition $40 per year; Union project split into remodeling for Commons and building of a new Union structure; Seerley Hall will remodeled for the Department of Business.
4 Fletcher reads poetry, prose in Lecture-Concert program A look at Bramwell Fletcher's program of readings; photo.
5 Polish movie shown tonight in Ballroom
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# Article Article Summary
6 Cites reasons against frat housing
Bohme--Joseph (English Faculty)
Does not support the Greek system.
7 Obiter Scripta: final examinations not the way to test students-Fox
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Points out that when taking finals as a student, Professor Fox never feared an exam.
8 Panama crisis result of US 'imperialism' in Latin America
Claims US caused Panama Crisis.
9 Should set spring exam schedule soon Asks that the exam schedule be printed soon so that students can prepare for finals.
10 Untitled
Character shows his 'protest face.'
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# Article Article Summary
11 Better understanding, pronunciation are gained through Language Lab Professors talk about the benefits of the Language Laboratory; photo.
12 Former Hungarian speaks this morning Nicholas Nyardi will speak; photo.
13 Purple Arrow exchange opens Feb. 3
14 Regents Hall and addition to be named by AMRH Men's dorm residents will vote on names for Regents Complex units.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Dean Lang to speak at Commencement Description of ceremonies.
16 KME initiates 13 members List of new members.
17 Library hours shortened during break
18 TV series offers to buy idea of English major
"Route 66" offers to buy script from Gordon Mennenga; photo.
19 Untitled Karen Evans, Jeanne Graff, and Trudy Lantau buy yearbooks from OLD GOLD business manager Paul Kolpek.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Baha'i lecturer will speak at Wesley Paul Pettit will speak.
21 IFC party to explain rush system
22 Offer class in reading improvement Professor Comens will offer twelve week class.
23 SCI students would rather wear out than rust out
A look at the variety of jobs that students have; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 High ranking Cowboys wrestle Panthers Jan. 25 SCI will face Oklahoma State.
25 Panther Tracks: Panthers face crucial three-game series
McAdams--Tony N. (Class of 1969; Management Faculty)
SCI will face Morningside, North Dakota State, and South Dakota University.
26 Phi Sigs win All-College cage crown Phi Sigma Epsilon defeated Carpenter House, 51-42, and took the championship title.
27 Volleyball game highlight of WRA playnight A group of SCI men will face the Cedar Rapids YMCA volleyball team.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Freshmen wrestlers defeat SDS Panthers defeated Jackrabbits.
29 Frosh cagers play Titus tomorrow night Panthers will face Titus Airfoil.
30 Grapplers down SDS 14-11 for third dual meet win Panthers defeated South Dakota State, 14-11.
31 SCI cagers seek fourth NCC victory against Chiefs SCI will compete against Morningside College.
32 SCI women dominate Invitational Sports Day Panthers played well, competing against colleges across the state.
33 Untitled Pete Spoden guards a South Dakota State player.
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# Article Article Summary
34 AWS sponsors 'Finals Fling' Will hold dance following game.
35 Final examination schedule lengthened to six days Finals schedule.
36 No publication slated for finals week
37 Off campus housing not to be immediate Faculty approve proposal, 93-49; President Maucker will consider recommendation in light of former Dean Bender's criteria.
38 Photographer's position open on EYE staff
39 Registration runs smoother; improvement still needed Students note their likes and dislikes.