Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Athlete, Bartlett counselor win OLD GOLD Popularity Mary Kay George and Duane Josephson win contest; photo.
2 COLLEGE EYE organizational meeting Monday
3 Disciplinary Committees not really crouching vultures
A look at the campus disciplinary system.
4 EYE receives 'All-American' ACP rating
5 Holstad piano recital Sunday in Music Hall Performance program.
6 Winter Carnival plans called off Cite lack of cooperation among organizations.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Benesh echoes Fox no exam plea
Disagrees with final examinations and their ability to teach students.
8 Carnival plans die in student committee Claims lack of student interest shut down plans for the winter carnival.
9 Haan commends musical review
Haan--Keith A. (Class of 1965 & 1971)
Keith Haan praises the EYE for the review printed on "Street Scene."
10 Perspective: 'Dare we withhold human liberties, rights?,' Lang
Lang--William C. (Vice President; History Faculty)
Speaks on Americans' right to freedom.
11 Stattler: Review 'realistic' Praises article reviewing recent play, 'Street Scene.'
12 Untitled
Characters discuss 'Playboy' magazine, and explain that men are not interested in the pictures; they're reading the articles.
13 Where are ROC, AIM? Student political parties have not shown activity.
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# Article Article Summary
14 12 students to Central debate meet List of students and topic of debate.
15 135 art works in 'Jewelry, 1964' Work by designers on display; photo.
16 Britt band here today for concert Richard Weed will conduct the band.
17 To enforce traffic rules year around Will enforce regulations during academic vacations.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Frosh cage squad loses to Quadwranglers 69-59 SCI defeated by Quadwranglers, 69-59; Panthers will face Fort Dodge.
19 Frosh-Varsity meet opens indoor track schedule Varsity and freshmen will compete in indoor track; season schedule listed.
20 Intramural wrestling tournament begins Professor William Thrall announces beginning of intramural wrestling.
21 Placement meeting Tuesday Student teaching candidates will meet.
22 Riflery Club organizational meeting today
23 SCI Grad named to Hall of Fame Keith Young named to Helms Athletic Foundation Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame.
24 Wrestlers meet Minnesota; hope to halt defeats SCI will face University of Minnesota.
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# Article Article Summary
25 High School Sports Day tomorrow High school women from sisteen schools will compete.
26 Panther Tracks: Spoden is missed but Panthers win
McAdams--Tony N. (Class of 1969; Management Faculty)
Speaks on loss of player Pete Spoden.
27 SCI returns to NCC action against Augies SCI will face Augustana College; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Faculty Senate to consider two petitions on Greeks Will consider petitions on role and place of Greeks on campus and also on subsidization of Greek housing.
29 New tuition rate begins in September Will increase $20 per semester.
30 Purple Arrow refunds today and tomorrow Students should pick up money or unsold books.
31 SCI Concert Band on tour next week Will perform at nine schools.
32 Sorority rush parties begin Monday night Sororities will host two parties per night.