Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Brothers Karamazov' tonight's film
2 Maucker says: provincialism is our greatest handicap Summary of President's remarks at Matriculation Convocation; photo.
3 Schmidt named 'Dad of Day;' devote weekend to fathers Max R. Schmidt, father of Max S. Schmidt, honored; photo.
4 Style show features 'Suits to Scrufties' MU and AWS sponsors style show on appropriate collegiate attire; photo.
5 Subjects of MU discussions: sex, study, science, society
Sets up series of informal discussions for freshman men.
6 Udall speaks for Johnson at SCI Remarks from Stewart Udall, whose appearance was sponsored by the Young Democrats.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Campus mock election coming Encourages students to follow local, national, and international news.
8 Fox feels he's less passionate in partisan disputes
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Fox describes his lack of interest in presidential race.
9 Let's take route 64-65 to best SCI year yet Inspire students to take the road less-traveled
10 Nagle answers ROC letter
Nagle--David R. (Class of 1965; Member of Congress; Political Science Faculty)
AIM party defends itself against ROC claims of inactivity.
11 Peace Corps training not all roses
Keipp--Judy (Class of 1965)
Purpose of training is to teach how to adapt to different and difficult situations.
12 Raps bureaucracy in women's PE department
Voss--Elizabeth Mae (Class of 1966)
Student objects to bicycle rental policy; needed bike for transportation rather than recreation.
13 Student parties should work for students' benefit
Denounces insulting letters between ROC and AIM parties.
14 Untitled
Man smashes hand of drinker with a sledge hammer.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Artist's equity exhibit opens Monday in A & I Traveling exhibit comes to campus.
16 AWS prexy Sumers outlines program
17 Block of football tickets sold to local SCI fans Lee Miller and businessmen buy tickets; plan to attend games and cheer together.
18 Debate over party funds highlights SLB meeting Would make charge account available to student political parties.
19 Keefe new Faculty Senate chairman Fred Lott is vice chairman.
20 Math majors' senior exam set for Oct. 9 Comprehensive exam offered.
21 TOPS holds first meeting Monday at 6:30 Will attempt to help students control weight.
22 Union Forum Series opens Thursday Will discuss excellence in education.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Cast for 'Cosi Fan Tutti' selected List of cast members.
24 Dr. Harrington, students experiment with 200 rats, gift oscilloscope
Paris--Patricia Ann (Class of 1965)
Professor Harrington talks about his plans for his rat colony; photo.
25 First practice for Orchesis Monday at 6:30
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# Article Article Summary
26 3 former SCI students answer Peace Corps call Will be working in Ethiopia and Iran.
27 5500 register for '64 fall semester Increase of 636 over last fall.
28 Educators here for conference 1500 will be here for elementary education conference.
29 KTCF, campus radio, can now be received in dorms Will broadcast at 88.1 megacycles; can be heard in Waterloo and Cedar Falls; Professor Eiklor's humanities class will be broadcast.
30 Sandburg poems to be featured in Poetry Hour Professor Reninger will read Sandburg poems.
31 Schmidt in Farm Youth Exchange Max Schmidt may participate in international exchange.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Fans come early for sure seats Early arrival is encouraged in anticipation of increased game attendance due to Dad's Day.
33 Frosh footballers spirited after two weeks' work Team's morale and determination make coach optimistic.
34 No SCI swimming team this year Lack of funds, facilities, and coaching personnel have delayed initiation of intercollegiate team.
35 Panthers, North Dakota State are exactly even: Sheriff
Pirages--Phillip J. (Classes of 1967 and 1969; English Faculty)
Skill of two teams is matched for next game.
36 Seventy fall baseballers hope to fill graduation gaps Positions on baseball team have opened up as graduates move on.
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# Article Article Summary
37 FB seating regulations announced Seating sections designated for remainder of football games.
38 Panther Harriers face Grinnell, Loras after taking opener from Winona State Cross country team is prepared for next two meets; photo.
39 Panthers prepared for rugged NDSU after 36-0 rout of Mankato State Upcoming came is easily most important of the year.
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