Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 400 students from 22 bands to be on campus tomorrow
2 6-day final exams to begin Tuesday Exam schedule.
3 First semi-weekly EYE to be published Feb. 16 Will be published Tuesdays and Fridays; will need larger staff.
4 Mark finals carefully on IBM sheets Advice on marking answer sheets.
5 Pageant, popularity kick-off second semester activities Description of Old Gold Week activities.
6 SLB votes to pay president, discusses foreign students Will receive $200 annually; recommend ways to integrate international students into campus activities; photo.
7 Untitled Performers play in 'Sinfonian Dimension.'
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# Article Article Summary
8 'Filthy' book causes academic freedom controversy
Fox--Josef W. (Philosophy and Humanities Faculty)
Baldwin's 'Another Country' has academic merit.
9 New 'Dimensions' more varied
Haan--Keith A. (Class of 1965 & 1971)
Defends removal of DIJ; supports newer Sinfonian Dimensions.
10 Non-majors display 'crazy modern art' Roy Behrens appreciates the display from the Man and Materials class.
11 Stone proposes reduction in general education
Stone--Verlon (Class of 1965)
Dropping World Resources, English II would free room for more major courses.
12 Test crammers ready to burn midnight oil Procrastinators intrigue, but more annoy, onlookers.
13 Untitled
Student plans to hibernate in his cave of homework.
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# Article Article Summary
14 'World of Nature' exhibit displays children's' works
15 Confrontations: integration is social not racial problem Students express opinions on race relations.
16 Faculty trio will present recital Sunday Professors Beckman, Gault, and Wendt will perform.
17 IVS woman here today to interview Representative of International Voluntary Service will be on campus.
18 Parking proposal referred to committee on traffic Faculty agree to register their cars and afix stickers, but do not agree with proposed regulations and fees.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Guest organist to perform in concert series Carl Bleyle will perform.
20 Intersorority issues Spring Rush schedule Outline of procedures.
21 Interviews begin for overseas teaching posts Will interview for positions in overseas dependent schools.
22 SCI debaters defeat SUI on unemployment topic
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# Article Article Summary
23 Book exchange to begin Thursday; sale Feb 1-4 Exchange rules.
24 Students tell tale of woe: 'no dough, time to study'
Borland--Terry Lou (Student--1965)
Paul Kelso's survey finds that effective study habits, budgeting time, and managing money are students' greatest problems; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Fall sports awards given to 66 gridders, harriers Twenty-eight varsity football letter-winners, twenty-nine freshman football numeral winners, six varsity cross country winners, and three freshman cross country numeral winners.
26 Intramurals to include bowling next semester New sport added; nineteen houses and two fraternities have indicated interest.
27 Larrabee tops Phils 40-32 for all-school cage crown Off-campus Larrabee defeats on-campus Phils for intramural basketball championship.
28 St. Clair leads freshmen past Drake for first win Final score is 69-59 upset for SCI; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
29 'Hurting' matmen to meet four of nation's strongest SCI wrestlers (many injured) will face three of the nation's top teams before their meet with Oklahoma State University, the national champions; photo.
30 Lagging cagers host SDS, NDS before starting five-game spree Panthers must win both upcoming games if they want to remain an NCC threat.
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# Article Article Summary
31 168 grads to hear Lang talk of 'Paths to Maturity' Description of the ceremony.
32 Gress exhibit opens Sunday Gerald Gress will show work.